96 skyline

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Before I forget, here's what you need to import it. Not to title or register it.


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yea ive been doing the research...i was told its already been converted to spec, so im no sure. guess we will see when he gets his orders...either way $500 for a running driving skyline, he shouldnt have any trouble flipping it.
I'd be worried about it. I've seen waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many servicemembers try the same thing and wind up with an imported car that winds up in a bonded impound lot with a monthly "storage fee" until they can come to the yard and cut it up into scrap.

I know one person who imported a 70's bmw 2002 back in 2008, and it cost him $10k to get it on the road here.
from what ive been reading, there is 1 place in the US that can convert it to spec(if it isnt already) and its costs around 36k for them to do just the converting.
i think it would b best to sell it and not take the chance.
idk its up to my brother really.
motorex went out of business a LONG time ago
its not motorex that does the stuff anymore, its something lik tk customs or jt customs, that bought the information from motorex when they went under.
For what it costs it's probably cheaper in the long run to just buy a new/used GTR.
probably would be, but this deal came along for $500 lol, im going to talk to my brother today, i think he could sell it for a good bit of profit and worry about something legal when he gets stateside...the shitty part is when he got the r33 he let his wife drive his 2014 focus st, within 2 weeks she curb checked the one of the wheels and took a huge chunk out of it, then backed into a brickwall and ruined the drivers rear corner( bumper, taillights, etc.) so he told her the focus was her problem.
motorex went under because they were doing it illegally. So, anything brought over from them would have been a baseline at best.

sell it when its time to come home. cash transports much easier.

his plan is to drive it until he is stationed, then sell it. i guess hes already have $5000 offers on it.