board update

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It wasn't what I was seeing, B, it was what I was not seeing. Everything is fine now, so I am guessing it could have just been a glitch. See this part right here...

board update Welcome, Luis998.
110 Unread Posts since your last visit.
You last visited: Yesterday at 05:01 PM Your Notifications: 3

Well, last night, the part where it says 110 Unread Posts since your last visit kept on disappearing here and there. I would refresh the page, try clicking on something else on the page and then it would come back after a few tries. That and whenever I got a PM, it would not open without quite a few tries.

Like I said before, everything seems to be working properly now. I'm thinking it was just a glitch. :dunno:
doubtful it was a glitch... lol

were you drunk last night? :D
LMAO! Man, it's been...WOW! I can't tell you how long it's been since I've been drunk. I was drinking a diet Pepsi on the rocks though. :D
Seems like MySQL is acting up again.


I keep getting this for like 10 seconds, then the rest of the page finally loads.


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