"Likes" system active

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then i could dislike the like button


THIS IS AWESOME! Never seen it before and I am a math nerd
It looks like its imploding! Great picture to describe that anything divided by zero is undefined
reason number....


:no: im gunna have to disagree on this one... that shit is 3 scoops of pure fucking awesomeness, topped with bad ass, and drizzled with win sauce
If you like that one google up some video results for "Knox mine disaster". You can watch box cars go down the drain like Lincoln logs.
No like popups here...

its not a pop-up
its just a clickable option that shows up on the right when your pointer is over a post

the pointer doesnt show up when using the snipping tool... but this is how it works

pointer not over post... no "Like" showing

pointer over post "Like" shows up on the right side

also the "Like" only shows up on other peoples posts... you cant "Like" your own posts


  • nolike.JPG
    19.4 KB · Views: 522
  • like.JPG
    20 KB · Views: 545
Ok, so it doesn't work on my browser at all. Latest Firefox. I've probably got some security setting enabled that doesn't allow it to show. Oh well, no biggie.
this thread is old as fuck, but when i saw this pic
i actually though someone was riding their bike DOWN the drain and out the bottom
i was sadly mistaken

and just to clarify... these likes don't in any correspond to facebook or link to facebook right?

Oh, to follow up- I didn't change anything on my browser at all. Just went out of town for 3 weeks and it worked.
