omg i'm buying a dell!!!111

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i know i know.... but i don't have a choice.

i can't use open office... there's just too many issues with it when trying to read MS doc's. its good, its just not perfect, and when it needs to be perfect for sending things to clients, i need to use the 'standard' office utility.

linux.... it's just again too much of an inconvience to use. We're a microsoft shop. I code in asp for a living. find me Visual Studio in a lunux platform.... doesn't happen. find my sql 2005 dev tools like enterprise manager that installs on linux. doesn't happen.
i dont get why people oc fast enough chips, its just for bragging rights. i play an assortment of video games and dont need to oc my machine. im sure b doesnt need to oc his machine to script or code.

Most of the overclocking world is about braggin how big your balls are. Seriously, who would run an LN2 system for more than 30 minutes. Or really utilize 2 or even 4 $500 cards? But again, thats like saying, why would anyone want to mod a Supra. Its already fast enough.

I overclock because Im poor. Cheap parts can be made to run equvialent to the companies flagship parts that can cost as much as 10X the amount. Example: $70 AMD X2 3600+ can be easily overclocked to the 6200+ that costs $180. Or for B's instance, if he gets a G0 stepping, those are easily overclockable to 3.0ghz and beyond. That costed him $270 and he gets the performance of a $1000 chip.

And if you do heavy stuff like encoding or photoshop, that extra 600mhz in bump can mean the difference between secs or minutes.

So all in all, to say overclocking is mostly about braggin rights, thats true. But to say its pointless or not essential, I disagree. It can save you money and its like modding a car, just for the hell of it.
yup. i belive in clocking a little bit, but not running it as high as it can go.

a nice 6psi turbo kit is good for me. i don't want to run race gas :D
LOL. word. I really think you're going to like your system.

The one I recently got was literally 1/10th of your price and its the fastest computer I've ever owned, and I haven't had any lag issues at all. Yours is going to be so smoking fast, seriously. Get ready for some fun. It'll be amazing what that thing can do, fps wise, etc.
fuck yeah!

before and after.

my laptop is a 17" widescreen.


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i turned my camera on, focused, and snapped.


the big moinitor isn't plugged in in the pics...
I meant the screen on the laptop usually when taking pics of moniters you can't make out what is on them.
see above. i did nothing special, and my camera is a woot-off POS special.