Becoming a Bartender

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Black Widow g2

Since I've been toying around in my own kitchen with new cocktails, I think possibly I will become a bartender. After doing a bit of research, I see it isn't 'difficult' but, I'm wondering if I'd qualify as a good Bartender anyway. I know they say you have to be somewhat of a 'psychologist' or 'people person' which I think I got, but what do you guys think makes for a 'good' bartender?
go to one of those 3-day bartending schools. i don't think you'll get hired anywhere without either experience or a certificate
Well, that's obvious. I'm just wondering if it would actually be a viable 'career' for me. I think I'd enjoy doing it, but I don't know what the job market is like yet either. That's what I'm researching right now. I just was curious to see what you all thought were good qualities in bartenders you've liked. Of course, it's not always just the quality/strength of the drink.
bars will always be around and there will always drunk old men that tip well... i say go for it..
lets see the qualifications it takes

like alcohol...yep
like to flirt...yep
have certificate..nope

you got 2 out of 3. i say do it.
I bartended 6 yrs in vegas no school, I had an in. 90-95% of bartending is opening bottle, pouring tap beer, shots and simple drinks (rum and coke). The other 5% you can keep a book behind the bar. The main part is being likeable (boobs don't hurt either), and getting to know your customers. I loved it I made decent money for hanging out with friends and drinking. Average take home was $100 to $120 a night plus $7.50/hr. Get to know the regulars, what they drink so they don't have to ask, who the good tippers are, go out of your way for them and who the pain in the asses are, so you can get rid of them and cultivate a solid clientell (spelling) for yourself. Remember when behind the bar, it's your bar, you run it as you see fit. you're there to make money and if you're makeing good money so is the owner. The certs are often nesicary but over rated pour a shot is a three count.
learn the most popular mixed drinks for now
dont stress too much over not knowing every rink out there... theres always going to be new drinks to learn

next learn how to properly mix those drinks

start off at a resturant that has a bar or a local dive bar

these places will generally not get a lot of complicated drink orders... it will be mostly beer... at the dive bar you will get a lot of * and cokes, or * and tonic, or * with * juice, or * on the rocks... youll see the other drinks but not as often..the tips also tend to be pretty good here
at the resturant bar, again you will serve a shit ton of beer, not as much of the 2 part mixed drinks though... you are going to get a lot more margaritas, martinis, daiquiris... you will get a lot of weird shit here... especially if the resturant has "special" drinks... tips often will not be as good here but it varies

then there are your higher traffic bars and clubs... you will see all fucking sorts of drinks here... the pace will be very high... the people will be very impatient... but if youre good the tips are fucking stupid high

one of my exes was a bartender... she started off at a local dive and moved up to a higher traffic nicer bar and eventually to a club...she generaly makes around $600 per night in tips (on really busy nights lke sports events and hollidays she can pull in $1200+) on top of whatever she gets just for being there (which isnt much)... she usually works 4 nights a week...

as far as what makes a good bartender
smile... no one likes a bartender in a shitty mood
be quick... people hate waiting for the bartender to get to them so they can order... and they hate waiting for the drink once they have ordered
try to remember people... in a smaller place people like a bartender that remembers their name and what they drink... in a larger bar if someone has ordeed a rum and coke 5 times theres a good chance they will order it again, when they approach the bar say "rum and coke" as a will get a better tip
mix the fucking drink right... a little strong or weak people can deal with... but i cant even count how many ties theyve just completely fucked a drink up on me
remember the order... if you come back and ask me what i ordered again or forget part of the order you arent getting shit for a tip
learn to read lips... i understand that a lot of bars can be very loud and it might be somewhat hard to hear the order... but ifthe person is saying it loudly and clearly you should be able to tell what they ordered (or at least guess really well) and repeat it back to them to verify... i fucking hate it when im yelling the drink order out and they just keep saying "what?" "huh?"
Look into a Mixology school. We just sent a few of our employess, I'm even thinking about taking it just for kicks.

Its 2 weeks long mon-friday I believe it was from either 5-10pm or 6-10pm cost is $560.00

If you wanted to work for me I'd ask you to take that class before putting you to work.
Not so sure about other bars.

What's cool is even if you don't get a job as a bar tender you still have a kick ass skill you'll use the rest of your life.
You have the first tool down pat. Being a good looking female.

Seriously, most places will hire a hot chick over a guy like me then have to train them, rather then just having me go in there and know what I'm doing right away. I tried for awhile to get a good bartending job but there aren't many out there for a guy who claims to be "self-taught"(I've worked in restaurants since I was 16 plus, lets face it, I drink to much).

Good luck though it can be a very profitable career.