Recent content by DeviousDa9

  1. D

    Auto to s80 on BB6

    hey thanks for all the info you guys were really helpful, just got to find us a T2W4!! lol
  2. D

    Auto to s80 on BB6

    thanks, we were just throwing around ideas. Im not to firmialir with h-series. How is the Sir compared to the tyoe r tranny?
  3. D

    Auto to s80 on BB6

  4. D

    Auto to s80 on BB6

    My friend recently blew his automatic, well he didnt, it did it by itself. I was wonder like the title says change the auto to a s80 type-r tranny. I know thier is h2b kits but what i really came down to as problems were mounting issues. Is it possibal to use oem ones, i have never seen this...