Recent content by Erin

  1. E

    What is your job?

    I'm looking for work. Do sales on the side. Real tough to find a good job here with a decent wage. Florida has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the nation. *sigh*
  2. E

    Newbie Here!

    loco that pic was hilariousssssssss!! My dog used to do that to the one seater couch, poor thing, until we got him a wife. *grin* hehe, so i got a lot of replies huh, well howz bout you all open a newbie thread :D i've never been to a rave, this should be interesting. yeh, i sell tires and...
  3. E

    Newbie Here!

    You folks are hilarious!!! *grin* Thank you for all the welcome's. Oh and thank goodness theres no leg *******. My momma mite visit this site and if she sees that, someone's gonna get an unwelcomed PM. *hehe* Cute pics btw. :)
  4. E

    Newbie Here!

    Hi, My name's Erin. The way I came across this site is I was looking for sites to advertise on because I am an independent Sales Rep for a rim and tire outlet. I spoke with Brian, nice guy, and eventually put up my ad in the vendor booth. I hope to make some friends here along with some...