Recent content by J.a90crx

  1. J

    Need help with d16y8 swap!!

    So is using the old tranny bad? And how much would the conversion harness be? And also is it bad 2 use he pm5 ecu?
  2. J

    Need help with d16y8 swap!!

    sry im new 2 this and added 2
  3. J

    Need help with d16y8 swap!!

    using the old one....what happens if i use the current ecu? the pm5?
  4. J

    Need help with d16y8 swap!!

    Hey i have a 1990 crx dx. Im doing a d16y8 sohc vtec swap. But im not sure what i will need. Which ECU should be used? What else should be changed?
  5. J

    Need help with d16y8 swap!!

    Hey i have a 1990 crx dx. Im doing a d16y8 sohc vtec swap. But im not sure what i will need. Which ECU should be used? What else should be changed?