$15,000 Snakes?

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I'm not a snake for a pet kinda person, I prefer dogs. I like snakes more than spiders however...
Snakes, spiders... Bah. Both of em freak me out.

I like cats and dogs... And maybe a pet squirrel. ;)
i think snakes are purdy...i had a beautiful normal with a couple albino stripes, and he was a little pissant. every time (every single time) i reached in his tank, he'd nip me, then i could pick him up. i guess he was just exerting his authority, or something.
I've heard snakes are the most affectionate house pets next to cats and dogs. That's both cute and freaky at the same time.
i HATE snakes with a passion. i dont care if the alive, dead or what, i will run away and scream like a little girl if i see one thats how much they scare me!!
I don't dig on the lizard rope either. I enjoy lizards, but not ones that are made, by a spiteful god, as ruthless killing machines.

-> Steve

I hate Monkeys too. Not afraid of them, just hate em.
Personally I fuckin hate snakes!! Basically b/c around here if you see a snake its probably going to be big as hell and begging for the shotgun!
spiders and snakes man, I am hear that from TPP, I am like a fucking little 2 year old bitch when it comes to spiders and snakes...yuk..