Bill Nye vs Ken Ham (6,000 year old earth) debate

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So this guy makes everyone mad and the plan is to all gather together and give him money to go into his museum?
I didn't plan on behaving to a point that it was worth it to him.
So this guy makes everyone mad and the plan is to all gather together and give him money to go into his museum?

The Christian friends I have do not throw anything in my face, that being said, the majority that I've run into on the streets/bars/whatever are pissed because Athiests refuse to learn the bible, god, jesus, etc. and thus are too 'ignorant' of 'his teachings' to make any sort of comments or arguments against Christianity.

So why the hell not? We should go there and talk as loud as we can about how we think it's bullshit, and carbon dating disproves this, How come no human fossils are discovered next to dinosaur fossils, etc etc. Then we can get Wil drunk and have more laughs.
I probably know more about the bible than the average person... I went to a catholic school as a kid... and it is because I know it that I am agnostic. :)
someone bring the Bulleit Rye I'll bring my liver and we can see if the "shit hacef" Icelandic version of me can show up for this shindig
I grew up Methodist. Frankly, I don't remember a lot of the bible study. The type of person that goes to church put me off religion. We went from a family that went every Sunday, to a family that went when I wasn't playing pop warner, to a family that went on holidays. Then we would get the "The Hornaceks are here, must be a Holiday". They kicked my dad off the church softball team because he wasn't serious about his faith. Go fuck yourself. We stopped going.

My grandmother and little sister go every Sunday still, but to different churches. I go to a church for weddings and funerals. I still find the most judgemental people are "church folk".