can't click on links in IE

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Help. It's my mother in laws laptop. I can open IE but that's as far as it goes. It opens to google, which is set as her homepage, and i can type in a search, but when it pulls the results I can't open the pages, and it won't let me close the search results page after it opens.

Any ideas?
does pressing the space bar or enter when the link is 'highlighted' (dotted box) allow the link to load?
no sir. if i type a web address it works fine. It's only if I do an internet search via google/comcast/etc that the links don't click, and at that point you also can't close the browser window, only minimize it.
thanks guys.

I've tried to talk her into using chrome/firefox in the past so maybe this will help her along.

Some of you probably know how mother-in-laws can be......
yeah, thats why you just do it and change the icon to be the icon for IE. she'll never know.