ctr piston clearance

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plastiguaging cams and pistons? um no, think you got that confused with claying the motor for piston to valve clearance. I have 2 friends with CTR pistons. One runs Skunk Stage 1's. and The other runs TODA Spec B's. But with any motor you want to clay it. And if on a VTEC motor you want to make sure your running off your vtec lobe because thats where your biggest lift and duration numbers are.
Originally posted by vwhondahatches@Dec 22 2002, 09:18 PM
plastiguaging cams and pistons? um no, think you got that confused with claying the motor for piston to valve clearance. I have 2 friends with CTR pistons. One runs Skunk Stage 1's. and The other runs TODA Spec B's. But with any motor you want to clay it. And if on a VTEC motor you want to make sure your running off your vtec lobe because thats where your biggest lift and duration numbers are.

oops, ya i meant claying to check valve to piston clearance not plasicguage for checking rod and main bearings. :sleep: