Effing with your friends...

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So i saw this on another forum and thought i'd share. Some of you have probably seen it before, but it looks like it can be fun. haha. i am gonna call one of my friends in a few and fuck with him.

you enter the number to call and type what the operater should say and i guess they type what the other person says back.
you type in what to say. is skype like that?

its made for deaf or hard of hearing people, so you type what to say and an operator calls the person. you can use it to write some funny shit for your friends
I had a buddy do this to me while I was at work (he was too). The guy was actually saying most of the swear words and obscenities...funny, almost humiliating.

Plus its humiliating to speak in code, practically have to say "Yeah that's cool *over* " so the guy knows when you're done...*shudder* awwkwaaaard...
me and my gf went through our cell phone books last night and got a lot of people. most hang up though when they get confused about what to do