Experimenting with 4loko tonight

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When I go to the movies, usually I smuggle a 4 loko or 2 in. Chug one before the showing and sip on the other until the end.
Joose is actually waaaaay better tasting than 4loco, and it does the exact same thing....
i had the green apple joose before.. absolutely terrible, tasted like a green apple jolly rancher soaked in lighter fluid.. lol
this still gets me.. if you are stupid enough to drink enough of the shit to put you in the hospital, you probably belong in some sort of an institution anyway

ive had the stuff once, it tastes like ass. not something i would drink for any reason.
I had it because it was all that was left in the fridge... It tasted like ass, so I mixed some peach schnapps in it. That made it taste better, but a week later, after talking to someone at the party I discovered that I didn't remember a good portion of the evening after that point.

It's not the fact that it's anything special, it just tastes bad, so people drink it faster. It's any other alcohol. Boon's Farm will get you black-out drunk if you drink enough fast enough.
I was at some sort of gathering last night and there were a bunch of people repping the 4 loko. Surprisingly enough they had multiples, ie more than 2, and were aight. Kind of rowdy but aight.
i think the funny thing about this is all the advertising they are giving the 4loko company. i have NEVER heard about them before all the banning and regulation. anybody remember D.A.R.E? what did that do? made kids try drugs. lol

they'll make something new, change the can and the name, then be back on the market.
Im hungover but i may have some 4loco this evening. Supposed to go hang out with this chick from work.
I need to stock up on this; the governor wants to ban it here it NC.

What makes 4loco different then say, mixing Jolt or Monster with vodka?
i think the funny thing about this is all the advertising they are giving the 4loko company. i have NEVER heard about them before all the banning and regulation. anybody remember D.A.R.E? what did that do? made kids try drugs. lol

they'll make something new, change the can and the name, then be back on the market.

Yeah i have seen once or 2, but since this thread i see everyone drinking em.
Well, NY joined the douchebag list
not being distributed here any longer

Really? Link nao - i had 4 loco last weekend and i wanna have it next weekend and the next weekend and the weekend after that.