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Senior Member
I know the Admins will close this thread down quickly put I just want to point out that Formby never answers a single question but will quickly call people an Idiot Im just wondering if its me or does he not know what hes talking about..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
He's probably just like 99.9999% of the guys on this site. Out for a laugh and some info when he needs it. If anyone pisses you off on this thread, maybe you should go looking somewhere else for info. Not to be mean or anything, but insults over the internet mean nothing to me, seeing I have never met but maybe 2 people on here. My advice is to just ignore the ignorant. If some tells you you are stupid for thinking about something, that is immature. Just ignore them, and they'll leave you alone. Good luck and welcome to the family :)
Please direct all questions aimed for one member to a Private Message (PM). There is no need for "ATTN: Member" posts when there is access to the PM system.

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