Happy Birthday !

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Well-Known Member
AlaskanCodKiller ! 21 ? We would tell you to have a drink, but you're a deep-sea fisherman, and I'm sure you could teach us a few things about booze.
I'm hoping to take a diversion class, and keep my license, but one never knows... they'll most likely take my license for another 4 months, and make me pay out the bottom for fines, minimum charge is $2500.
plus a $100 bill to the city to get the permission to get my bike. and a $250 bill to the tow company... already in the books.
It'll take me a few trips just to pay for this one night!!!! hahahaha but it was fun.

If they have to take your license away for a period of time, see if you can get it to line up with one of your fishing trips. :)
damn bro, i know how it feels though. 4 months? shit I got 1 year minimum. 4 months restricted license.