help me choose a new stereo !!!!

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ok well as my loyal fans on my website allready know....

tonyd has gone from mr. Ebay to Mr. Corporate.

And with a new job comes a new fat paycheck tomorrow. Aside from paying my bills and whatnot, I'm in the market to replace the stereo that the mexican stole from my car back in January.

Long story short, im not looking for anything special. Just a single cd player that plays mp3's.

Looking to spend NO more than 200 including harness for the ek and misc. wires. I plan on doing the install myself, unless best buy or circuit city can hook it up for free.

with that said, can anyone reccomend a good mp3 playing car stereo from best buy or circuit city for 150-175 ish?

I dont expect you guys to research for doing that right now.

just wondering if anyone has any hot tips to go to or stay away from.

and you can bet your sweet little ass this stereo is going with me when i go inside to work, and my S&W .40 will be on my person at all times when i go downtown on the weekends.

oh not a big audiophile...

just gonna run the stereo off my ek stock speakers.

im too old to care about setting off car alarms as i go down the street.

left that when i was 20 and had 2 18's in my trunk of my mazda 323 :p