K20a2 or K24

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Doc Brown says
OK, I read an article from someone who has done the K20a2 swap.
I can post that article here for reference ... or simply the link to it.

What I'm really after is some feedback, input and suggestions

There are Pros and Cons to both the K20a2 and the K24 motors.

I'd like educated opinions on both. I'm also not sure (and I know this sounds

noob-ish) but what RPM range does the K24 engage VTEC at... or does it use i-VTEC??? Sean might know about this.

I'm using an '04 EM2 coupe chassis as the recipient and plan on swapping subframes as well.

INPUT PLEASE!....................
K20a Type R.
IF you dont have the cash, drop a k24 crv motor then later swap a K20 R/K20 Type S head and 6-speed Tranny.
You would deffiantely notice alot more once you put the head on there. The k24's if im not mistaken run much lower compression since its going into a family suv of sorts. Same thing with the b20 they put in the old crv's. Through a gsr head on it and it ran great. Otherwise i think the regular i-vtec kicked in at like 3.5 or maybe 4k. It was very low.