Microsoft Office Communicator (i hate this thing)

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Anybody use this program?

I hate the fact that it allows other people to see if I am idle and what not. People at my job use it to spy on eachother.

It also automatically goes idle if I lock my computer >.> Anybody know how to get around this? There is nothing in its settings to disable some of these annoying features. I also cannot turn it off.

Lol this sucks - i want to be lazy but this damn program makes that difficult.
i hate it too. you can't paste URLs in our version (wtf?). i dunno if that's been shut off by our Internazis or what. have to remove the http:// or else alter it to read h ttp:// - also with the default settings it is so freaking anoying, it dings and flashes and stays on top - the electronic equivalent of a nag.
Its nothing more than a baby monitor for a corporate employee.