Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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Not sure about MW1 but in MW2 they did.

If KSG is in there, they definitely better have the Saiga.
i got a email today from gamestop saying something along the lines of you can pre order mw3 soon and stay idk.......i stopped playing black ops when gt5 came out....but ill be pre ordering mw3 and playing when it comes out as well
Oh, and also... All I want for MW3 is to REMOVE THE GODDAMN Last Stand and Final Stand perks. I can deal with the painkiller crap, because it only happens every so often. But I'm tired of rounding corners with my AA12 and nailing the first guy, only to put him in final stand as him and the guy behind him just lay into me while my AA12 isn't hitting either one of them because of that stupid second of invincibility that goddamn deathstreak/perk give them.

They also don't die on "the way down" like if you're drilling them as they're falling into last stand/final stand.
I used to hate that shit too. It's still very annoying, but if they continue to do it like the Black Ops patched version (i.e. shotguns and snipers will kill them straight up, and the credit for the kill goes to the person who dropped them rather than the person who finishes them once they're down), then I'm okay with them leaving it in...
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i HATE last/final stand.. im used to popping a couple rounds into someone and then turning to shoot someone else.. couple rounds and they drop and then kill me.. even from across the map.. it pisses me off sooo bad
Dropping somebody into second chance and running away and then tossing a flash-bang back to finish them is always good for LULZ...
Dropping somebody into second chance and running away and then tossing a flash-bang back to finish them is always good for LULZ...

Lol, I had a double kill like that :p I know one was in Final Stand, the other I think was just hanging by a thread.
seeing as how most of the main dev's that built MW2 are working with EA on BF3.

I REALLY hope that BF3 isn't another BFBC2, or MW clone. I've seen the extended trailer, and it looks fucking awesome, but they really need to keep the arcade feel that BF3 had that made so many cry.
I really hope that IW/Sledgehammer/Raven has taken a cue from Treyarch and included more customization options. A lot of people probably don't give two shits about it, but I really love the camos, and clan tags, and custom emblems, and all that stuff...
I hated the lack of "get xx headshots for this camo" in Black Ops. Gave me nothing to look forward to when I can put red tiger on any gun for 150 bucks.
I hated the lack of "get xx headshots for this camo" in Black Ops. Gave me nothing to look forward to when I can put red tiger on any gun for 150 bucks.

I didn't mind that actually. I guess it might be a bummer if you're not prestiging, but I always found it annoying that I'd work up to a certain camo and then it'd be time to prestige and have it be taken away.

I don't need the customization to be exactly like Black Ops. They can do away with the money and it won't bother me. I just hope that it's very customizeable, and that they allow custom emblems...
I just work on challenges, which is why I get so annoyed sometimes I guess.
Well, I preordered it today. Got an email this morning that said everyone with the "gamestop rewards thing" is allowed to pre-order now, the rest of the world will be able to on the 20th this month. Just so you guys know. the release date for the game is 8 November 2011
That being said, I will not be buying this game, but renting it instead, seeing as how most of the main dev's that built MW2 are working with EA on BF3.

Well, I preordered it today.

Yeah, I'm not even going to try and be one of those guys that pretends they're not going to buy this. I'll be pre-ordering and playing that shit on launch day just like everyone else in this thread, lol...

Check and mate! :D