Popcorn Lung.. yeaaa buddy!

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2 bags a day? That's 5 servings... every day. So if I eat 5 servings of fried chicken everyday, when I get heart disease I can sue KFC? Do they purposefully choose the dumbest jurors possible?
educated people rarely make it to a jury trial. lswyers excuse them based on the fact that they won't be able to sway someone who can think for themselves.
the only people on the jury panel are the ones too fucking stupid to think of a way to get out of it
enough said

read the article about this case this morning
the defense tried to argue that it wasn't the popcorn, but rather the years of exposure to industrial chemicals when he worked as a professional carpet cleaner
who huffs the steam coming out of a popcorn bag to begin with? i would just assume that steam is filled with radiation
Hmm. I've worked and hung out at a movie theater for the past 6 years... Look out early retirement, here I come.
2 bags a day? Whos he gunna sue when he has a massive heart attack brought on by all that damn salt?
lmao. i used to eat popcorn all the time. sometimes 2 bags a day.
and i put a lot more salt on my food than most people.
and i mean a lot.
people cant usually eat my popcorn, its too salty. then when done with the popcorn, i will run my fingers down the inside of the bag and enjoy more buttery salty goodness.

can i sue the salt makers when i have to be hospitalized?
Popcorn is a great snack.

Sadly I'm the only person I know that makes it from a bag of raw popcorn.

Heat a pot with some olive oil, add corn, add lid, shake until its almost done popping, add salt. Done.
got you beat.
I havnt had bagged popcorn in a while simply bc I'm too cheap and lazy to buy it.

we have an air popper that we use at home now.
no oil, just some salt. not as good as the buttery stuff, but better than nothing.
I like my popcorn too, but damn. Behavior like this makes me think he used it as an alternative to quick smoking or something.
Sitting in the kitch-un,
5 bags of popcorn, buttery extra large.
Ohhhhhh popcorn lung.
Shaking in the rock salt,
Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.
Hey popcorn lung.
I don't get how people like the flavor of the butter in microwaved bagged popcorn. It has such a weird taste to it. Plus the texture is also weird when it gets on your fingers, it just doesnt seem like butter.