Porsche 918 assembly line

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Love how they build the parts by hand right there. Those things are so pretty. Love the interior workup by the attractive lady.

Manufacturing assembly lines has always amazed me. We have some plants that build 100 custom trucks a day. All made to order. They move them around on little carts too. Our local plant sometimes builds the huge ones that move around oil derricks in the middle east and stuff. Those are super cool but they don't usually allow us to take pictures.
Hand assembly from the perspective of a robotics tech fascinates me. From the perspective of someone who has done hand assembly it bores me to tears. We had a job a while back from VW to which the quality standards were so high, I don't want to imagine what it would be like on a Lamborghini or a Porsche. The engine building job looks to be the most fun. And I wouldn't mind being the sausage to a couple of those girls sauerkraut.