Screw this, I'm going home.

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I got sick as hell again. Before an office job, I never got sick ='(. It seems to be the same thing that put a coworker in bed for 4 days. My boss was describing it the same way I felt yesterday and he said he couldn't make it out of bed today. I came in at 11:15 and I'm leaving... this is awful. What sucks is I'm driving a mud buggy with an overheating problem on bald 33" tires until I fix my car. The freaking harmonic balancer fell off while I was driving Saturday night(Thanks to my buddy who didn't torque the bolt) and I can't find the bolt anywhere. Looks like I'm gonna run my sick ass to the junk yard.
Before I get flamed, coworkers were calling me, begging me to come in even though I was sick. It's like everyone here wants it.
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get some purel and keep it at your desk and disinfect a lot. then up your vitamin c intake with a daily. get more sleep and try to boost your immune system.
Yeah shit dude.

People get sick hella for a reason. Weak immune systems. My roommates have been sick atleast 4-5x this year, where everyone was puking, shitting, or generally sick like a dog. I go around the house spraying everything they touch with the lysol disinfectant, wash the towells everyday, clean the kitchen like a mofo before they try to kill me. Fucking living with 4 other people is semi-difficult to keep healthy, but when they all have tons of sick friends, it almost impossible. ALMOST.

Keep it clean dude. Go take a nice bath, read a book, and quit being sick boy.
The most important part... AIR OUT THE HOUSE... open the windows and doors for an hour or 2 at LEAST once a day... Sitting in a house full of germs is nasty.
i haven't been really sick since i left my old company. i was sick all the time there. damn mold spores in the AC or something.
working at home FTW.

This is karma for talking shit.

I'm fucking sicker than a dog. Went to a concert last night, didn't feel well on the drive down(90miles) and well by the time I got back I was feeling hella woozy and sick. This morning, fuck, high temperatute, throat hurts, dizzy as fuck, headache, and the shits like none other. I go to work anyways, and at lunch I started getting really sick and losing my cookies, so now I'm fucked.

I have white spots on my throat, and my head feels like I've been drunk and beaten for a week straight. I don't even bother trying to close my throat because its like rubbing two razor blades together. I missed class today, slept through it from 2-to now. It felt nice, but I woke up feeling way worse.

Now I'm off to the doctor, so I can salvage some of the day tomorrow.
Well then why the fuck am I sick as hell?

Yup, sounds like strep throat to me ='(. I hope you get rid of whatever it is fast as hell and, umm.... take all of your own advice you gave to me earlier =P.

I've got bills nailing me all of a sudden and I just took 3 days off of work 2 weeks ago from being so damn sick. I worked 3 hours yesterday, and I don't even remember hearing an alarm clock today.... I'm so fucking fucked, god forbid I get fired....
I got 6 hours in before I puked in the honey bucket. I'm not going back today. I fell asleep at 7:30 and woke up just now. It was nice. I also slept from 2-4:30, then drove my own ass to the doctors where he said I had one of the most extreme cases of strep he's ever seen.

Gave me hydrocodone and a zpack, but I don't think I need the pain killers so I just filled the anti's. But this shit sucks. My boss just called and woke my ass up. He was pissed I didn't leave him a message, but just called the guy I work for an am bitch boy for, and not him directly. I mean who gives a fuck. He got the message, just not from me.
That's some screwed up shit.... It's ok, I just did the most IRRESPONSIBLE thing ever. I didn't show up for work yesterday and today and haven't called my boss once. I've been sick as can be, throwing up, coughing my lungs up, etc and taking these pills that knock me out. I really mean knock me out like no other. I've been drowsy as can be and never remembered to call him. Shit, I'm gonna call his cell right now and see how screwed I am.

I'd get the pain killers just because if you have insurance =D. How are you feeling after the pills?
Oh fucking fuck fuck fuck. That was so damn close. He was extremely lenient knowing that I'm all drugged up and was pretty nice, but it's policy for an employee to get fired if they don't hear from them within 3 days.... If I didn't call just now, I would've been fired. Fucking great, now I'm gonna catch shit from everyone left and right for getting sick and being all drugged up. Me job is no happy with me. This calls for a big ='(