Teacher beats student (video)

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Interesting...will a spanking at home, related to school events, produce results at school? You might have to just walk in there during the day and give him a few whacks in front of all of his friends.

Also, from the school's standpoint...there is no way in FUCK that they should ever let teachers hit kids. Should kids get whacked once in a while? Definitely. Should teachers do it at their own discretion? No fucking way. That is a legal quagmire waiting to happen.

Can't you see it.

Teacher whacks kid
Kid straightens out
Other kid in class starts misbehaving
School counselor says kid is traumatized from seeing little Peter suffer corporal punishment
Litigation blossoms
Common overseas(though not "beat downs"). Then again, many Americans take school for granted.
Interesting...will a spanking at home, related to school events, produce results at school? You might have to just walk in there during the day and give him a few whacks in front of all of his friends.

Also, from the school's standpoint...there is no way in FUCK that they should ever let teachers hit kids. Should kids get whacked once in a while? Definitely. Should teachers do it at their own discretion? No fucking way. That is a legal quagmire waiting to happen.

Can't you see it.

Teacher whacks kid
Kid straightens out
Other kid in class starts misbehaving
School counselor says kid is traumatized from seeing little Peter suffer corporal punishment
Litigation blossoms
You're saying kids shouldn't be disciplined because our legal system is fucked? No sense does make say you what.
if you were born before the 1990's, odds are you got an asswhopping or something similar when you messed up,
today, kids get 'time out'. WTF is that nonsense? parents are one by one ruining america
I plan on continuing the fine tradition of beating my kids ass when they screw up. Its the American way god damn it. Well I do in a way, but its kind of hard to physically disicpline a four year old. Its more stern tones and hard looks for now.
As long as it works. If he keeps pushing it, a spanking would keep him in check and he'd know better next time.

I worked with a guy that never got spankings before(his mother also worked there but different department), but that is because he never misbehaved and is very respectable. Pretty much, his parents never had a reason to spank him.
if you were born before the 1990's, odds are you got an asswhopping or something similar when you messed up,
today, kids get 'time out'. WTF is that nonsense? parents are one by one ruining america

I have the best behaved kids I have ever known. We're constantly complemented on how well they behave. We don't spank 'em. Never have. Never will. There is just no need for it. When I was a little phyregod, I always took the spanking. I didn't give a shit. Instant. Out of trouble. Done. I could have a hell of a lot of fun and my punishment was pain. Meh. Who can't take a spanking?

Being grounded or in time out royally sucked in comparison.
I wouldn't mind being grounded or in time-out. Hell, I can do that all day. Sleeping is my favorite hobby.

My parents(and probably common in Asia), is while in "time-out", you'd have to sit on your knees(can't rest on your calves, etc) and have your arms crossed or on your head for about an hour or two. Fail, get spanked, do it again.

I guess, what we have to realize is not everybody is the same; but honestly from my experience more kids respond to spanking than time-out and grounding is usually hit or miss too(especially with technology nowadays). There's people who've never had to punish their kids at all(no time-out, etc.), their kids just respect them. Then, there's some who've never misbehaved because they saw what happened to their older siblings.
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The temperament of children varies so widely that there is no universal punishment. However, that kid needed his ass whooped.
You're saying kids shouldn't be disciplined because our legal system is fucked? No sense does make say you what.

Kids should be disciplined and physically if need be...however, there is no fucking way that it would be in sound judgment to authorize teachers to start hitting, punching, beating, spanking, or slapping our children.

As for the"fucked" legal system...it is not the system that is fucked as much as it is the individuals who take advantage of it.

And yes, I am recommending that based on the voracious litigious nature of people, that corporal punishment in schools, by teachers, would be a motherfucking disaster.
Our schools have become a motherfucking disaster BECAUSE of the lack of discipline. Teachers can't maintain a learning environment because they can't backhand the dipshits who disrupt class.
Our schools have become a motherfucking disaster BECAUSE of the lack of discipline. Teachers can't maintain a learning environment because they can't backhand the dipshits who disrupt class.

I agree with 99% of your opinions...which is why I'm surprised to hear this from you of all people. Teachers can't maintain discipline because the PARENTS don't maintain it at home.

It is not the teacher's job to play the role of the parent in correcting the major personality flaws and social ineptitude found in today's children. It starts at home and the parents are doing a shitty job of it.

There was a time when kids behaved at school because they understood respect, and when respect wasn't enough, they understood that the frying pan or the birch whip was coming down hard when they got home.

Teachers should NOT hit kids in school. If a teacher hit my son or daughter, I would lay the motherfucker out. I'll take care of it myself. End of story.
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And what happens when your well behaved student can't learn a god damn thing because Johnny's alcoholic mother never taught him to behave and he's disrupting the whole class? Your well behaved child gets a shitty education. Yes the parents should keep their kids in line, but the teacher needs the tools available to deal with the kids whose parents don't.
It's the opposite now. What you see a lot, is parents coming to the school bitching about why their kids are in trouble or are failing and blaming the teachers, etc.
I have no kids im only 19 but i know when i fucked up my mom would beat my ass. same for my father. i dont think its the teachers place to hit anyones kids tho. just because someone is ateacher doesnt mean they arent fucked up in the head, and might take something farther then it should be. i know there are plenty of parents out there that are not fit for the job but physical punishment is meant for parents only in my opinion
^^Perhaps if this kid was back-handed more, he would be afraid to ask such simple questions for fear of being punished. He would instead find out on his own.

Could childhood beatings lead to more independent adults?
<<<<<<<<< is a teacher. These comments for and against are very interesting. The way I see it is like this. If students were held accountable at all for their actions whether it be by corporal punishment, some sort of loss of priviledge, or even legally then we would be in a much better situation with the current generation. What I see on a daily basis is a generation that has had everything handed to them by there parents because for some reason their parents felt that giving their child the world was the same as showing them love and how to be a usefull member of society. I have my theories on why that is but that is a different thread.

These days kids aren't punished because their parents are trying to be their friend. That is why we have them showing up at school defending the kid no matter the offense instead of holding them accountable for their actions. They want to keep their friend. If parents started parenting instead of friending their children things would get better. In talking with my friends/colleagues it seems that my generation is taking note and will tryto swing it back to the days of no means no and if you are out of line you might get a spanking. It boils down to this: Kids these days are spoiled rotten and don't know what the real world is like. They don't have a grasp of basic concepts like respect, self worth, money, hard work, and even in some cases what is right and what is wrong. That needs to change and it needs to change quick.
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I joke about beating my kid and such but I got spanked twice while growing up. And that was due in large part that I scared my parents something fierce. I gave my parents little to no grief. But I agree with you guys who are talking about kids not being held to any standard at home.

My girlfriend worked at a daycare and they would try and potty train the kids that they looked after. A lot of them would do just fine during the day, accident wise. But over the first day after back after a break or the weekend they would have to start all over. The parents just didn’t care. They wanted the daycare employees to take care of it. My mom is a special ed. educator as well and I have had long discussions with her about how parents view schools these days. It used to be that if a kid screwed up at school the first thing parents would say is "What did you do wrong?" Now it’s, why are you picking on my poor baby?

My son is a very well behaved kid. If he does start acting up or being a pest 99 percent of the time it’s because he is hungry, thirsty or tired. Now that he is 4 he can express his wants/needs more effectively so it makes our job as parents a lot easier. But when he is acting up simply to act up he spends some time alone in his room for a few minutes. 2 to 4 usually. And then we discuss the cause and effect. This is all in the hopes of not having to spank and such when he gets older.
And what happens when your well behaved student can't learn a god damn thing because Johnny's alcoholic mother never taught him to behave and he's disrupting the whole class? Your well behaved child gets a shitty education. Yes the parents should keep their kids in line, but the teacher needs the tools available to deal with the kids whose parents don't.

I agree. But you kick the motherfucker out of school or put all the shitheads in one shithead class together. Don't start punching kids to get them to sit down and shut up.