This is why social programs don't work.

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Kind of off topic, but has anyone else seen "The China Question"? It's a documentary on the trade imbalance (which is really just the tip of the iceberg) with China. It was pretty well done and was a real eye opener. I had no idea that China had such tight regulations on everything.

Also, I'd like to point out that we are fucked at this point. I somewhat believed it before, but now I am thoroughly convinced. There are just too many problems in too many different aspects of this country.

One thing I do find funny is that many Americans give so much credit to the Chinese for being "so smart" yet they lack innovation in some ways. They're never the first to come up with a new or innovative design; it is typically stolen from us or some other country.

Way off topic, but still somewhat relevant I suppose? lol
report her shit

It wouldn't do anything to report her. I tried to report my bro-in-laws girlfriend and it went nowhere. The caseworkers aren't paid enough to care. I can't tell from what he wrote to know if she is abusing her services. Honestly the services may be "for the kid" like they were in my brother in law's case. The dad was out of the picture and wasn't paying child support.
report her shit
I'd spend days doing it because it's all different organizations. And at the end of it, that's one gross offender knocked off the list. Doesn't even really affect the bottom line.

Besides, I'm leaving this to the two other mothers that work there and have more than one kid. Only reason I know about it is because they were pissed and ranting.
It wouldn't do anything to report her. I tried to report my bro-in-laws girlfriend and it went nowhere. The caseworkers aren't paid enough to care. I can't tell from what he wrote to know if she is abusing her services. Honestly the services may be "for the kid" like they were in my brother in law's case. The dad was out of the picture and wasn't paying child support.
She works a job and collects unemployment. It is total abuse. Especially if shes taking money meant for her child and goes to Jamaica. Oh, she also lives with her mother so her expenses are nada. And she's in her 40s.....
She should be made a public example of.

Quarter her on the town green or something.

The old days before liberal pussy hippies showed up ruled. :X
thats just wrong... us who pay taxes that go towards government funding to pay for people that dont need it is unfair...
Happens all the time. Why work when you can get it for free. Society needs to change and people need to stop worrying about hurting peoples feelings or offending a certain group. When you have to give 1 group welfare or assistance because of what they are not why they would deserve it, it offends me the tax payer.
i should probably add making lethal force legal to protect yourself and your property on there, as my plan would undoubtedly result in an increase of crime, until people go the idea that if they steal shit, they're gonna get shot at
go free market capitalism, it'll self correct... right?
Idea for your future Presidential run B... Tell everyone you're going to drastically cut government spending and save tax payers tons of cash. Then, when elected, cut all social programs. They are government spending after all.

The real solution is a time limit on these programs. Just spit balling here, 2 year limit then can't reapply for 5. During the 2 year period, offer free community college. Any CC program can be completed in that time frame. Fuck, make it mandatory. Not only do they lose support after 2 years, they might actually be educated enough to contribute to society.

The "fuck a job" mentality partially stems from no foreseen end to support. I know if you tell the average American that their job is being outsourced in 2 years, they will look for another job or educate themselves for a better job. But if they think it will be there forever, they won't do a thing about changing things.
Two great Thomas Jefferson quotes. Remember these were from 1743-1826. The man was so patriotic he died on July 4th.

"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."

"I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. "
The real solution is for cops/etc to use encrypted radios so the news don't hear about everything in real time as it happens.

This is a horrible idea. I'll let The EFF and Rodney King tell you why.
Idea for your future Presidential run B... Tell everyone you're going to drastically cut government spending and save tax payers tons of cash. Then, when elected, cut all social programs. They are government spending after all.

The real solution is a time limit on these programs. Just spit balling here, 2 year limit then can't reapply for 5. During the 2 year period, offer free community college. Any CC program can be completed in that time frame. Fuck, make it mandatory. Not only do they lose support after 2 years, they might actually be educated enough to contribute to society.

The "fuck a job" mentality partially stems from no foreseen end to support. I know if you tell the average American that their job is being outsourced in 2 years, they will look for another job or educate themselves for a better job. But if they think it will be there forever, they won't do a thing about changing things.

This. A million times this. I broke six figures this year and it was because I refused to keep doing shitty jobs. Took some community college courses, switched every machine in my house to run Linux and ended up making a career out of it. If I thought I'd get outsourced today I have a very good chance of getting a new job at equal or higher salary because I spend all my time focusing on what's new and bleeding edge to keep my work competitive with the job market and the candidates I'm interviewing. Hell my interviews are usually a good way for me to figure out the next big thing in the industry and be ready for it when it comes out.
Shouldn't the goal of any sufficiently advanced society be 100% unemployment?
lol, good point
reminds me of this joke
Indian Chief, "High Horse," was asked by a white government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."
The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. "When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water; women did all the work, medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."
Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough to think he can improve system like that."
Shouldn't the goal of any sufficiently advanced society be 100% unemployment?

Sweet, we can roll like B&L in WALL-E, floating around on hover chairs, watching TV all day, doing nothing!!!!

Why would a goal of advanced society be to produce nothing? That doesn't seem to advanced to me.