today on, IT'S NOT A CLOWN CAR!!!

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I actually made myself watch an interview with this woman on Dateline the other night, and it makes me sick. She has no job, no husband or boyfriend, and all her kids were done via in vitro. She had 6 kids already, and they implanted the last 6 embryo's all at once, knowing there was a chance of multiple babies happening. She just couldn't imagine the thought of having those "lives" not having a chance to exist. So plug 'em all in there doc. Fucking idiots.

So she has no job, was receiving 490 a month for food stamps with 6 kids, which she of course says is "temporary", that once she graduates in a year or year and a half she'll be able to support all these kids on her own. BS. No insurance, the hospital has already submitted a claim to medi-cal to pay for the births and after-care, which averages like 139000 per kid based on the norm for a premature birth. She exhausted her student loans to make ends meet with the other kids she already had, and she gets social security for the 3 disabled kids she already had amongst her other 6. These new 8 have high risks of learning disabilities, Cerebral Palsy, a fucking laundry list of problems just waiting to pile up.

And she can't imagine the thought of these embryo's not have a chance to live? What kind of life is she providing for them.

Her own mother even said her decision to have more kids was "unconscionable".

I could go on and on about this. I'm starting to get myself worked up.
so cali can't pay tax refunds, but they can afford 14 AMERICAN babies...

have fun with that one cali...
When did parents stop teaching their kids about a simple thing called responsiblity? I mean seriously, how selfish do you have to be to have 14 kids? All of which are born premature with the high probablitly that they will suffer the rest of their lives because of it. But I guess with a society that enables someone with little to no income to have 6 kids in the first place, whats the diffrence having 8 more? I hate the idea of the Government limiting how many children someone has but when you are using a turkey baster to do it there should be limitations. Maybe take some consideration in for the health and saftey of the mother and oh I dont know maybe the children. This is not a natrual proccess and in my opinion it should have some controls on it.
The more I hear about this woman on the news, the more she pisses me off.

I didn't care at first, then I found out she already has 6 kids. wtf?

Then I hear she's getting a shitton of charity and had been living off food stamps with those 6 kids. wtf?

Then I learned this was done intraveneously, and on purpose. Fucking what?!
You have to have a license to drive, hunt or fish but anyone can have a child. Don't tell me that sounds a little messed up.
how do you afford in vitro while on welfare?

Chances are the center she went to offers "Affordable Payment Plans!" It probably has a wacky waving inflatable arm flaling tub man out front as well.
The doctor who performed the operation should lose his license and in klyphistan he'd be burned to death. Do no harm? you just created 8 damaged lives, sick fucker.
poster child for welfare.
unfortunately bbc is giving her a reality show. maybe we'll see more of this.
i hear her dr. is doing a 4 pack of joy for a 50 yr old lady w/ no ins.
even the bitches mom told her it wasnt a good idea.

wow, this should be the first national execution for the crime of stupidity.

time to start showing people that stupid acts have a punishment.

these kids should be taken away from her and put into homes with the people that have jobs.

seriously, i see people loose their one child over not making enough money, this bitch has 14 kids?