today on, IT'S NOT A CLOWN CAR!!!

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What a fucking nut job, sounds like a fucking zoo in the background with the res of the litter making all that noise. Im with you E. I couldnt even listen to the whole thing it made my head hurt.
with a pic :shudder:
kill it! - What Would Tyler Durden Do

Thanks to everyone who emailed me the TMZ picture of Nadya Suleman, the lunatic who had octuplets (*) a few days ago, her 14th child, all of which have been through in vitro fertilization. And by "thanks", I mean, "please God stop". You know I think pregnant women are fucking creepy, and this will do anything but help. Her vagina must look like she's been hung upside down by it. It's gotta look like something you'd see fall out of a lions mouth.
(*) My Firefox spell check doesn’t even go up to "octuplets". It stops at sextuplets. Even Firefox thinks that shit is ridiculous.