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out classes?? maybe out run or out handle, but class?? hahahahahahhahahhhhahahaaahhahahahaahahhahahaha *choking cough* hahahahahahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaah

A ZO6 will pull better ass than an M3.

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out classes?? maybe out run or out handle, but class?? hahahahahahhahahhhhahahaaahhahahahaahahhahahaha *choking cough* hahahahahahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaah

A ZO6 will pull better ass than an M3.


I believe more girls know what a BMW M car is over a ZO6 corvette,
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out classes?? maybe out run or out handle, but class?? hahahahahahhahahhhhahahaaahhahahahaahahhahahaha *choking cough* hahahahahahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaahahhahaah

A ZO6 will pull better ass than an M3.


I believe more girls know what a BMW M car is over a ZO6 corvette,

Fat chance.

They'll know its a BMW, but most people have no idea about the M series.
Fat chance.

They'll know its a BMW, but most people have no idea about the M series.

I dont know man, I know a lot of girls that know what a M is. word gets around the M is a bling bling money thing and then they know what to look for. plus its easy to remember.... "M"

Doesnt mean they know much about the M series, they just know it means nice and high priced.
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Fat chance.

They'll know its a BMW, but most people have no idea about the M series.

I dont know man, I know a lot of girls that know what a M is. word gets around the M is a bling bling money thing and then they know what to look for. plus its easy to remember.... "M"

Doesnt mean they know much about the M series, they just know it means nice and high priced.

Maybe in your neck of the woods.

Here, I can ask an entire room of mixed population people what a BMW M series is, and except for those who have one around here, or know cars - the majority won't know.

I had no ideas the glory of the M series until I started getting into cars, and when and saw them at BMW's display booth at the NY Auto Show.
Maybe in your neck of the woods.

Here, I can ask an entire room of mixed population people what a BMW M series is, and except for those who have one around here, or know cars - the majority won't know.

I had no ideas the glory of the M series until I started getting into cars, and when and saw them at BMW's display booth at the NY Auto Show.

I can understand a Covette being better know then a M series, but a Z06 known more then a M? come on man.

If someone doesnt know what a M is they sure as hell wont know what a Z06 is... that is unless of course you're a hick.
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Maybe in your neck of the woods.

Here, I can ask an entire room of mixed population people what a BMW M series is, and except for those who have one around here, or know cars - the majority won't know.

I had no ideas the glory of the M series until I started getting into cars, and when and saw them at BMW's display booth at the NY Auto Show.

I can understand a Covette being better know then a M series, but a Z06 known more then a M? come on man.

If someone doesnt know what a M is they sure as hell wont know what a Z06 is... that is unless of course you're a hick.


I'm just saying, any corvette will be better recognized than a M3, regardless of whether its a Z06 or not. Chicks will understand that the corvette is expensive and sporty. They'll also understand that the BMW badge means luxury and expensive.
some one just needs to tell girls which scoops make the C6 really expensive and which ones make it slightly expensive.
ok, im gonna clear up a few lexus myths right here. lexus is as much upper-crest toyota as Porsche is upper VW/Audi.

and the IS300 did come in a manual starting in 2002. the rarest compination of the IS300 is 5-speed with Nav and an LSD.
the nav and LSD are part of the same package i belive.

i believe the statement about standard IS300s was meant to state that no-one sells them, because they know how rare they are.

so IF you can find a 5-speed IS..... BUY IT YESTERDAY.

my best friend has a 2003 5speed with nav, and when he bought it new, it was already the last new one in the country, we live in washington, and it had to get shipped up from Texas as they were the only dealership that still had one.

IMO an EXCELLENT car. toss on an exhaust and intake, get it tuned and theres 200whp. or make the smart move and swap a GTE in.

also, anyone whos driven/rode in one will tell you that the factory braking system is AMAZING. unbelievealbe amount of stopping power. i dont even want to know what it would be like upgraded.

even now, in 2006 the 01-05 IS is one of the best looking cars on the road. ive photographed it several times, and there is NO angle that makes it look bad. you really cant take a bad picture of the car.... add in the fact that all you need to make it handle like BALLS is a set of sway bars. and you have yourself an AWESOME package, for suprisingly little money.

you should beable to pick up a 03-04 5-speed (if you can find one) for around 18-22k.

that leaves just enought money for a GTE motorset :mrgreen:
the touraeg and cayenne are the exact same car.

and lexus is now being sold worldwide as Lexus, even in Japan.
BUUUTT...THE IS300 is called what in the rest of the world? TOYOTA Altezza ring any bells?

How bout the GS300? Most people thinks Nob Taniguchi (sp) drives a GS300, but look closer. its a TOYOTA Aristo.

Dont toy with yourself. Saying a Lexus isnt an uppercrest toyota is like saying Jaguar is not an uppercrest ford.
Quoted post[/post]]Saying a Lexus isnt an uppercrest toyota is like saying Jaguar is not an uppercrest ford.
That is a little different.....as far as I know the Jag doesnt share many body parts with "ford" vehicles.

however lexus=toyota just like infinity=nissan and acura=honda and cadillac=GM and lincoln=ford and audi=VW and .......ok so dodge doesnt really have an "upper crust"
lol chrysler? oh wait, no luxury there....

jag isnt just a nice ford, jag hardly uses any equipment from ford... ford OWNS them doesnt mean that they make them.
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lol chrysler? oh wait, no luxury there....

jag isnt just a nice ford, jag hardly uses any equipment from ford... ford OWNS them doesnt mean that they make them.

Think of it this way, jaguar was just bought by Ford - its still its an entirely own enteity. Chrysler is the same way with Mercedes Benz.
yeah, i guess lincoln or cadillac would have been a better choice..i dont really pay attention to jag outside of F1.