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I know its the 12 year old watching pron but its a little weird they didnt just pick up the phone.... And assisting with the placenta got a bit weird at that point
why couldnt they just say he was watching tv? lol, so nonchalant about mentioning what he was watching.
now, with going straight from porn to seeing way too much of his mother, he will probably become the definition of Freud's Oedipus theory.

and yeah, the placenta was a bit much....
That's pretty much what i said to the other half. Going from watching a little adult action to seeing your mom grunting one out is probably going to result in some serious issues down the road. He'll I'm a grown ass man and it would screw me up I'm sure. And I've watched the birth of my kid.
"Goddamit you little pussy, just reach in there and pull it out...Fuck, you are half the man your father was and only 1/3 the man this baby's father is. Light my cigarette while I push this fucking thing out myself"