where did you get your nickname?

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ok... if we're talking screen name it was StarBellieAngel - to be honest i really don't know how that came... I remember liking the book by Dr. Seuss with the Star Bellied Sneetches... and I didn't want to be considered a 'sneetch' so I chose Angel instead.

But... After the Integra... I changed everything around to Black Widow g2 for a reason. I was actually on the phone with James (2000Si, then revolution8k) and we got on the subject of people racing in teams. I mentioned that me and my car were a team. I'd call it 'Black Widow racing' or something. I thought about it for a second, and thought it was perfect. I always did say that cars end up naming themselves... that's how my car (and I) got a name. Black for the color... Widow for the 'mad vtak power!' lol (should have been widow MAKER) lol

The only problem I tend to have is people asking if i'm black, or if i'm a widow. I guess divorced is close enough... then they think I'm going to kill them or something... *shrug* I guess it helps keep the men off my back. I don't get called Black Widow in real life unless I'm at a G2IC meet... they just call me widow when they forget my name. Even though I did have the old StarBellie name there too... I guess the new one just fits better.

Hell, now that I'm a DJ for a radio station, I'm already known as DJ Black Widow... haha... I guess the name Mistique just isn't 'cool' enough.

And, I've even gone so far as to plan out my 1st tattoo...

Other nicknames include "The Luis Vuitton Don" cause I got everything luis from my boots to my clothes to my bed sets. "Money Mike" giving to me by my cousin cause I go by Mike as it's short for one of my middle names and easier to remember than my first name, and the money part cause of all the stuff I have.

Then apparently I'm Princess Prada. lol

I have a newfound obsession... shoes, shirts, laptop case, purse, wallet...

...what happened? I was never so into designer name brand anything... odd.
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