Where do you buy Sheet metal?

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I buy mine at my local parts store (napa) but u should be able to get it at most parts stores or body shop supply stores....also does lowes ahve any that isnt galvanized?
galvanized is that cheap metal right? How much is it at Napa?
dont get galvinized. you can't weld it without problems. call your local hardware joint and ask them where the nearest metal supplier is. you should also try to use the same gauge steel as your chassis. a good metal shop/supplier will be able to help you.

20 gauge is what u want, some use 22, some use18 its all in preference, yes galvanized is zinc cotaed to keep it from rusting but it is NOT what u want to use for body repair. also u shouldnt need to go to a metal shop to get a peice of sheetmetal just go to your local auto body supplier ie. napa, carquest or whatever u have locally and get a sheet they normally come in 2'x3' and 3'x4'. and also galvanized can be welded without any problems ibn the catually welding process its just they do not reccomend inhaling alot of the fumes it makes when welding it. I made a custom tube bumper for my toyota out of galvanized pipe and didnt have any issues with welding it or the fumesit made.
Also one other thing, is there any kind of rust treatment that I can put on the rusted fender to prevent more rusting after its welded on? Maybe rust converter or something?
well what u want to do is cut all of the rust out to prevent it from comiong back. also use fiberglass filler first when filling over the patch because fiberglass is waterproof and will help to prevent it from rusting more. as far as rust goes it wil ALWAYS come back. if its just a front fender i woyuld just buy a new one and not have to worry about it. because buy the time u buy all the stuff to do what u need to do u could have just as well gone and bought a 60 dollar fender and been done with it. half the time, same money, and dont have to worry about the rust coming back.....u make the choice