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Um. Like I said before you should learn how malpractice suits go. It's a term of negligence. A tort if you will. First on the table is Medical Costs. 2nd on the table is Lost Wages, meaning one's earning capacity. Finally left on the table is Punitive Damages, what should be limited I believe.

Let's say bobby get's in a car wreck. He has severe head trauma. Doctor reads the wrong xray in the er. (this is a seriously common mistake) Bobby then has a seizure, massive brain swelling, the works. He's in the hospital for 3 months, and never leads a normal life when he gets out. After his brain surgery, and 3 months in the hospital stay the family is hit with a 500k medical bill. (this is not unheard of). Should his family not sue because someone could have prevented everything by reading the right xray in the first place?

1st. thing on the table. Medical costs.
2nd thing on the table. His lost earnings(he was a child and never earned so its much lower than a man in his 20's where they're at a maximum.
3rd. Should he not be compensated for never being able to lead a normal life and for having brain damage for someone else's mistake? He has to live for 60-70 years not being able to even do the things that you and I take for granted because someone else screwed the pooch.

No amount of money will ever make the pain go away. But let's be honest. Someone should be compensated for someone else's misdoing's.

The worst part about this is the lawyers. They will take 35% of this and then siphon it around to avoid taxes.
Imagine if there were no doctors around, then the kid would have just died from the car wreck. You put the blame on the wrong person.