ZC Swap

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Well-Known Member
Ive got a 91 CRX DX. Im puttin a DOHC ZC in it and gonna swap out the auto. How hard is it switchen the axels around or whatever you gotta do. Id really appreciate it if someone could tell me about it or send me links to sites that will tell me. One other thing id like to know the exact parts that im gonna need to do it. I already know alot of you are gonna flam me for not just sellin the car but, that isnt what i wana do. Thanks for your help ahead of time. Post here or e-mail me at dohczc@hotmail.com Thanks agian for any and all the help. Laters

1991 CRX DX
you'd need the engine and motor (duh), a manual ecu (ZC or Integra) ef shift linkage and stick box. I think thats all, but there might be more. Theres probably different mounting brackets, but knowing Honda and how they build things, they easily could be the same. It shouldn't be too hard 'cause its not like your tryin' to fit a manual transaxel to a motor built to accept an automatic. Oh, and get a tach.