No Shared Cipher

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Wtf is this?

I'm trying to order service parts for a tool and when I go to checkout I get this. I first tried it on my phone, and got this. Figured it had something to do with being on a phone, so then I tried it from my laptop and got the same msg. Both times, using chrome.

Now I tried it with IE on my phone and it works.

Is there something I should be worried about with this website? Seeing as I'll be entering my debit card info, I'm a little edgy.


  • Screenshot_2015-06-28-07-57-16.png
    114.2 KB · Views: 285
your card is fine... this is just the way they did the SSL key doesn't seem to be compatible with chrome for some reason. hack job webmasters everywhere
Lol, I had never even seen the word Cipher until now. Tried lookin it, and a fix, up but didn't have any luck.