Rebuilding my old Dell

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So I have my old dell with a 200gb hd, twin 512 mb ram sticks and a GeForce 6200 video card that I'd like to get working again.

I want this to game and work, so I was looking at upgrading to a 1 tb for storage and in addition to using the 200gb for the OS.

- It's on xp, should I upgrade to 7 or 10?
- what is your opinion on the two 1 tb hds to the right? WD vs Seagate?
- opinion on video card, still good or do I need to update too?
- I want more ram, twin sticks of 2 or 4?

Thanks fellas


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what is the model, service tag of the machine? if it is over 5 years old you would benefit from a new cheapie case/mobo and pentium G processor and put 16gb ram and a newer video card.

we use WD hard drives as replacements at the office. 200gb is not going to be great for the OS plus program files and swap file. it's probably only 5400rpm. i would recommend a 256gb ssd as an OS drive.

w7 would be sufficient...

512mb video card isn't going to do shit but play the original quake in openGL and maybe sims2. what games do you plan on playing?
completely wasting your own time, the computer is completely outdated and not only are parts obsolete but every component is a bottleneck , heres a good video on it
You're gonna have a bad time. You'd be better off looking on craigslist for something with a 4000-series (4790, 4770, 4690, 4670) and a 700/900 series graphics card (770, 780, 970, 980)
I have a Z170 Skylake Motherboard brand new in box id sell stupid cheap, and ive got a Asus Strix RX480 8GB id sell cheap, all you would need then is a power supply, ram, and HDD and a case
what is the model, service tag of the machine? if it is over 5 years old you would benefit from a new cheapie case/mobo and pentium G processor and put 16gb ram and a newer video card.

we use WD hard drives as replacements at the office. 200gb is not going to be great for the OS plus program files and swap file. it's probably only 5400rpm. i would recommend a 256gb ssd as an OS drive.

w7 would be sufficient...

512mb video card isn't going to do shit but play the original quake in openGL and maybe sims2. what games do you plan on playing?

Yeah pretty much that. MC, the old red alert stuff... I'm a basic PC gamer, I'm not into shit like Fortnite or the new super graphics and ram heavy games.

Right now this thing runs fairly decently, but 7 takes up more room than xp home did too.

I have this and two empty cases sitting at home. I wanted to use this mostly for work so I can set up the home office through our vpn. But I'd like to set up some games on it too.

I was kinda worried that it'd be bottlenecked with such an old motherboard, I think I bought it in 2003 and upgraded the video card in 07 or 08 along with upping the ram to the twin 512 cards.
Its going to shit the bed running windows 10 alone will prob idle at 100% cpu utilization and wont even be able to keep up with HD video on youtube/netflix etc, and of course use windows 10 its a exellent OS , not trying to be debbie downer, let the ole dell die , whats your budget ?
I’d take Scott up on his offer it’s probably solid.
Its going to shit the bed running windows 10 alone will prob idle at 100% cpu utilization and wont even be able to keep up with HD video on youtube/netflix etc, and of course use windows 10 its a exellent OS , not trying to be debbie downer, let the ole dell die , whats your budget ?

Works just fine with HD youtube content. I just want to update a little.

Windows 7 is dead and not supported anymore btw , windows 10 can be had and used free without a key

Yeah I noticed that when looking at buying an OS. lol Seems like it was just yesterday when they stopped supporting xp.

I don't need or want top of the line. I want just a pc that will let me access work from home and play older games on occasion when the girlfriend and kid are watching netflix on the main tv. I've already got a pretty nice gaming pc my brother built.
Im not telling you to do anywhere top of the line whats your budget ? And I was talking abt hd video with windows 10 , also fack having your OS on that ancient old slow hard drive lol put the OS on boot SSD and get a cheapo 1tb for mass storage, im not trying to be a dick but im finding it rather humorous you thought this hard about upgrading that relic , in 2018 the minimum you want to have for a smooth (nowhere near high end consumer) is a quad core with hyperthreading, 8 gb ram (minimum) , and at LEAST a 2-4gb GPU (saying want to do 720p/1080p gaming)
Just get an SSD and the 1TB hard drive. Max out the ram and put the best video card it can handle.
Im not telling you to do anywhere top of the line whats your budget ? And I was talking abt hd video with windows 10 , also fack having your OS on that ancient old slow hard drive lol put the OS on boot SSD and get a cheapo 1tb for mass storage, im not trying to be a dick but im finding it rather humorous you thought this hard about upgrading that relic , in 2018 the minimum you want to have for a smooth (nowhere near high end consumer) is a quad core with hyperthreading, 8 gb ram (minimum) , and at LEAST a 2-4gb GPU (saying want to do 720p/1080p gaming)

I completely get what you're saying. Thanks for the feedback!,eid-jirvcwnddwy

More ram than I need, but for that price, why not. If anything I can upgrade my other PC from 4 to the 16gb
make sure your system will take a 8gb stick. also that is ECC, for an HP server, it may not work.