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Junior Member
ok first part is it bad to have vtec engage at wot couse this is the cass with ym car. I didnt do it i just got it like that and im trying to find out if its a bad thing.

Also i get a lound poping sound vrom my car whenever i brake or excelerate or turn hard its from my driver side front area sounds like a rock comes up and htis the under side of the car.

any help apreciated thanx
Originally posted by crazydude75927@Jan 28 2003, 09:58 PM
ok first part is it bad to have vtec engage at wot couse this is the cass with ym car. I didnt do it i just got it like that and im trying to find out if its a bad thing.

Also i get a lound poping sound vrom my car whenever i brake or excelerate or turn hard its from my driver side front area sounds like a rock comes up and htis the under side of the car.

any help apreciated thanx

A #1: No

A #2: My guess is a ball joint.