89 CRX With B18C1 Swap - Need help

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Doing a B18C1 swap with a friend and we are having a hell of a time with the wiring. The CRX has a wiring harness from the original 89' D15 engine. I'm using a P28 OBD1 ecu. I have a TD44U dizzy and everything that is required for the swap asides from the wiring. Now neither me or my friend are very experienced. This is the ECU we are using and we are trying to use the included harness as well.
I noticed it plugs right into the D15 wiring harness but there are a lot of mismatched wires etc going to the ECU. I've manually wired up the injectors and I've swapped the plugs on the dizzy, wired the o2 up. But I don't think they are going back to the correct pins on the ECU. It's just getting too overwhelming and I need to find the correct write ups. Not asking to be spoon fed but just pointed in the correct direction, this is a very hard swap.