B16a In 92-95 Civic

  • Thread starter Thread starter shibby
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i just read in one of the threads here that putting an engine that is older than the car you're putting it in is illegal. if thats true, how come it's illegal? once i got my car (probably a '92-'94 civic) i was planning on putting a b16a1 in it. but if thats not legal, would a b16a2 be legal? is the b16a2 pretty much a direct swap into a civic? what other parts would i need to complete the swap (other than tranny, ecu, axels, harness...) thanks in advance.
your better off with the sir2 (b16a2) swaps... what state do you live in by the way... but go sir2 swap so theres no bullshit and that youll still be retaining your hydro trans...
i live in Maryland, pretty much 20 minutes from west virgina and pennsylvania (incase it's not legal in MD))

would the wiring still be pretty easy? would i need any additional parts other than what comes with the packages from nippon-motors, hmo or whatever?
no it's a drop in swap... and your already wired for vtec..... wait your considering the sir2 swap over the sir1 correct?
Originally posted by shibby@Jan 8 2003, 08:20 PM
... if thats true, how come it's illegal?

The reason is, emmissions. Shit changes and a b16aSirI is going to be alot dirtier then a b16aSIRII.

Besides the legal aspect of the whole thing is, putting an older generation engine in your car is that all the harnesses are diffrent so you have a wiring nightmare. Also between the sirI and the sirII, they switched tranny styles and did away with cable tannys in the b16, to put a cable tranny in a hydralic (sp?) style chassis is extremly hard. The b16a may only sell for like 1500 but the swap will cost you way over 3 with all the shit you have to do, the b16asirII cost about 22-2500 and will cost you about 80 more for shift linkages (if your swap does not come with them)
yeah dude, if you wanted to take a step backwards with a b16a1, and the price diffrences are insignificant after you buy a hydro to cable conversion and obd1>0 jumper or put all obd1 shit on the old b16 then have to buy a obd1 vtec ecu
thanx alot for your help guys. now my only decision is to swap in the sirII, or just turbo the stock motor... hmm
hey shibby, prawject cx is right...I'm the one doing the b16a1 swap into my 93 ex...

He's not kiddin' when he says wiring issues will be there. I've had to pretty much rewire almost half the harness.

I'm not concerned with the legality as much as the ease of installation. If I hadn't gotten such a great price on the motor I would've just coughed up the extra dough and gotten a a2 instead.

It's not that I mind the wiring, but you'd better know what you're getting into before you go ahead with it....