Crx Swap

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Junior Member
what would be the best swap for a 91 crx si now best i mean best over all power and a low 1/4 mile time over all very fast!!!!!
You're really going to need to be more specific.

There's about 10000 threads about this in the CRX forum.

What is your budget for starters.

If you say $2000 then you're going to get laughed at by a lot of people.
frecklesbaker dude you gotta start thinking and researching before you ask silly questions
if you want best 1/4 miles times and you have a ton of money check out an H22 bore the thing to 2.5l and then turbo it.
or get a GSR and turbo it.
Maybe try an LS and turbo it.
Do you want to go turbo, and all motor GSR will get you decent quarter miles times.
yeah plese be more specific.
Thanks, :D
ok im going to use it as a street car and i want to know what do i have to do to get a crx si to beat a mustang i am not going turbo i want to also knowif there is any books out there to- tell u how to do swaps, what motors are best for what cars, crx swaps guids any thing along this line so i can gain more information
first of all you need a new car a crx sucks. i suggest getting a 92-95 civic or 94-97 accord :lol: but if you need swap info go to
they might have some info on a crx swap. and a crx swap is going to be a little complicated so i suggest get a real car with over 70 hp hhhhhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahah
A Rex is a perfect platform, they are light and can be made very powerful. I would suggest getting HASport's cable/hydro converter so your tranny possibilities are endless.
Originally posted by 94accordman@Jan 23 2003, 07:53 PM
first of all you need a new car a crx sucks.

how the fuck do you figure? i'm sorry did the honda taste committee just deem crx's unworthy??

wait, speaking of taste don't you have a flowmaster exhaust on an accord, shut the fuck up
Originally posted by 94accordman@Jan 23 2003, 07:53 PM
first of all you need a new car a crx sucks. i suggest getting a 92-95 civic or 94-97 accord :lol:

Banish 94accordman for being an asshat!!!!
This helps:

accordfaggot, shut your fuckin' ass, you WILL NOT ruin another swap thread, if you want to run your mouth and talk shit about hondas, start your own bullshit threads in the "anything goes" forum and get your ass banned there. fuck off.

as for the question asked, like everybody said, we really need more details, you've said you didn't want to go turbo, but you forgot to give us your budget. as for swap guides and gaining information, the Hasport website has some decent swap artices as does this site. i suggest you stick around this site, ignore the assholes and just read over the threads that you are interested in, it's the best way to gain knowledge. good luck.
Originally posted by kylemarhx@Jan 24 2003, 01:26 AM
accordfaggot, shut your fuckin' ass, you WILL NOT ruin another swap thread, if you want to run your mouth and talk shit about hondas, start your own bullshit threads in the "anything goes" forum and get your ass banned there. fuck off.

as for the question asked, like everybody said, we really need more details, you've said you didn't want to go turbo, but you forgot to give us your budget. as for swap guides and gaining information, the Hasport website has some decent swap artices as does this site. i suggest you stick around this site, ignore the assholes and just read over the threads that you are interested in, it's the best way to gain knowledge. good luck.

Well like its been said, read your info consider what you want and how much $$$ you want to drop into it. Gonna laugh if you say 2k hell yea I spent 350.00 on a z6 did the wiring conversion for a DX to SI and swaped around for the other needed parts for my swap like ECU and Diz. Would say had about 600.00 in a complete swap with everything. Hell wont even have 2k in my LS/Vtec block by the engine alone is built now the entire thing with everything pretty close to it. Search around see what you can find. Also by the way.....the Hasport hydro/cable conversion is to convert a cable tranny into a hydraulic set up not vice versa. If you go cable to hydraulic need more parts and new motor mounts even if you go with a D-series swap.
Originally posted by zCivic@Jan 24 2003, 02:12 AM
If you go cable to hydraulic need more parts and new motor mounts even if you go with a D-series swap.

he's right... it does take alot, i havn't done it yet... and i really never plan on it, because you gotta have a clutch cylnder and all that shit now
along with cut and paste a new motor mount on the tranny side. They dont make any mount kits for this. Need a new master cylinder, steal lines, hydraulic tranny, and the new mounts available just to start it. Just get a 88-91 SI tranny or if going B-series anything from 89-93 will save you alot of work. If you can get a 92-93 GS-R pat yourself on the back and get the final drive from the JDM ITR which will get you a better 1/4 mile final drive 4.785 which other b serie trannys have the 4.40
Its based on the imput shaft. 92+93 GSR trannies use the larger imput shaft like the newer hydraulic ones. I'm not positive if this will also work on the 92+93 LS/GS but they use different cluch disc between 90 and 92+ on all models and this is the reason