hi, im new to all this swap business and am a little confused as to what i will need to do to get my swap to work, i have a 1990 EF civic DX with a d15b2 dpfi, i have purchased a d15b7 mpfi from a 1993 del sol. all the threads and info i have found pertaining to the dpfi-mpfi swap involve head swaps and si dizzies.
my question is... with a complete d15b7 mpfi transplant, do i just need to follow the wiring steps on this thread https://hondaswap.com/swap-articles/dpfi-mpfi-writeup-49557/ and can i use the ecu from my d15b2??
thanx in advance for any help offered
my question is... with a complete d15b7 mpfi transplant, do i just need to follow the wiring steps on this thread https://hondaswap.com/swap-articles/dpfi-mpfi-writeup-49557/ and can i use the ecu from my d15b2??
thanx in advance for any help offered