Fnf2 Name Change

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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
It would seem the Fast and the Furious 2 is now being called 2fast 2furious. OMG now I GOT to see it! Also, a last minute change in vision, all the cars from the movie have been sent back to the shops for an altezza instalation in the name of good taste...

Kidding, I think even they know better then that.
i'm gonna throw up the day that movie comes out, i can't wait to see kids racing everything in sight with chevy corsicas and their mommys minivan, not to mention see my insurance go up again.
after the 1st move my buddy and i left in his dropped hf rex... we are driving along when a jacked up suburban pulls next to us and revs and started to pull on us as we were driviing... so my buddy drops it to 2nd and floors it and the next thing you know the fucktard in the burban does too. the little hf could barely pass him but it didit was funny as shit cuz hf's are slow as fuck with its 50or so hp and we ended beating a huge truck with claimed 400hp
I saw F&F on the first night it came out. We waited for all of the ricers to leave so we didnt get hit. I have never seen worse driving than right after that movie.
I didn't see it until it came out on video. I liked it but thought the car design was to over the top and out dated, it was entertaining though. The thing that pissed me off the most was that Vin Diesil wouldn't do the sequal for under 20 mil. That was the movie that made him a household name, wasn't his first role, but it was his first starring role that actually pulled good figures (SPR doesn't count, he died an hour in). I used to realy dig him, now I wish O'Conor would have shot him at the end of the first movie. Then walk over to him as he's lying in pain and say "you scream like your sister". :lol:
First saw it on a bootleg from KaZaA with no music in the background. Then I finally saw a halfway decent version when I bought it. Good movie when you want a comedy to watch .
It's not a bad movie if:
you dont try to learn anything from it
avoid the lame one-liners
ignore the horrible acting
forget the ghey stickers you saw on EVERY car, (snowflakes on a black S2000, WHAT THE FUCK)
accept the fact it has no plot
realize that street racing 4 at a time is fucking retarded
and cut your losses at the 14.77 you spent on it at Wal-Mart.
Originally posted by 92CivicCx@Jan 8 2003, 09:06 PM
after the 1st move my buddy and i left in his dropped hf rex... we are driving along when a jacked up suburban pulls next to us and revs and started to pull on us as we were driviing... so my buddy drops it to 2nd and floors it and the next thing you know the fucktard in the burban does too. the little hf could barely pass him but it didit was funny as shit cuz hf's are slow as fuck with its 50or so hp and we ended beating a huge truck with claimed 400hp

thats awesome :)

im lucky. when i saw Fnf i didnt know shit about tuning or imports. it kind of inspired me B) u gotta admit that the opening scene where the black hondas hijack the truck kicks ass...and that GTO baybee! :worthy:
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Jan 9 2003, 12:35 AM
It's not a bad movie if:

avoid the lame one-liners

dude- thats the best part of the fucking movie.

"on green, I'm going for it"
"you can have any beer you want, just as long as its a carona"
"I need NAWS... 2 big bottles.... and (i forgot his name), i need it by tonight"
"MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN POPCORN!" heheh i love that part
"Ask any racer- ask any real racer... it's not if you win by an inch or a mile- winning's winning"

you get the picture :)
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Jan 9 2003, 12:35 AM
forget the ghey stickers you saw on EVERY car, (snowflakes on a black S2000, WHAT THE FUCK)

dont forget that they were gold snowflakes
You know this is a site about opinions so i am going to give you guys one of mine,Now if you like me for it i really don't care but i think that it needs to be said. Personally this is a great site for tech-talk, you guys have helped me alot and i know a shit-load more than i used to, but you guys hate on everyone else way to damn much. I mean shit isn't the import seen about taking a car that you like and fixing it up the way you like it,hell if everyone fixed there cars the same way wouldn't that get kinda boring. I mean yea i see alot of "riced out" cars but i don't put then down and hate on them because hey that might not be what i like but they might think that is bad ass,shitit is good to be original. And hey if you are into putting outragous bodykits, stickers, big rims,etc.,etc.,etc. so be it its your car do what you think is cool. This is like saying that your a ni**er just cause your black, or your a chi*k just cause your asian, if people now days would just stop hating on other people just cause they or what they like is different then we all would be alot better off. How abot just give them credit for not liking a stock car and wanting to just fix it up. And about the fnf, i think that it was a good movie cause it was about import cars and not all the exotic cars that are out of almost everyone of our price ranges. It showed the cars that we all like and that this website is for. Yea it did have alot of funny ass one-liners, and a shit load of wrong infomation but shit it was about imports,so shit give it some credit. The movie was not the problem it was some of the people that thought that they could go out and race on streets that got the cops after all of us. Well i feel better about getting that off my mind and if you guys don't like me for thuff cause i really could a rats ass what you think thats my opinion so live with it. B)
I don't have a huge beef with that movie. I own it, and it is fun to watch to see the cars at least.

The hype is what gets me though.

It makes everyone think that if they go out and slap stickers, exhaust and a cold air intake on thier car, that they will be faster than anything on the street.

Did anyone use ebay for the following couple of weeks after that movie came out? All that you could find was indigo this and neon that. Body kit this and vinal that.
Now every eclipse, honda and toyota on eBay is "fast and furious".
Thing like that are what make me mad.

I enjoy showcar's and style, but big trends turn me off. I have beefs with people who have 19" chrome rims, altezza's and Z3 fenders on thier cars which they leave un-painted (along with un-painted body kits) because they have no money left, and nothing under the hood (CF hood w/ hood pins more than likely.)
Half-Ass wana be show cars (or bling bling cars/suvs) just make me shake my head.

Show cars are not for driving, they are for trailoring around and droping off at shows. I don't want to see your 6th gen civic with a 2" drop, 19" chrome wheel and an unpainted (dual exhaust) body kit with only 1 exhaust.
I use that as an example because I can think of 3 of them in Vacaville.

The movie didn't promote half ass jobs. Half ass people just watched it to much.
that movie was very informative, take for example, I had no idea that while racing if you shifted too hard the passenger floor board could unbolt itself and fly off. :lol:
did you notice that everyone shifted in 1st right before the race started and when the dude dropped his hand they shifted again