You know this is a site about opinions so i am going to give you guys one of mine,Now if you like me for it i really don't care but i think that it needs to be said. Personally this is a great site for tech-talk, you guys have helped me alot and i know a shit-load more than i used to, but you guys hate on everyone else way to damn much. I mean shit isn't the import seen about taking a car that you like and fixing it up the way you like it,hell if everyone fixed there cars the same way wouldn't that get kinda boring. I mean yea i see alot of "riced out" cars but i don't put then down and hate on them because hey that might not be what i like but they might think that is bad ass,shitit is good to be original. And hey if you are into putting outragous bodykits, stickers, big rims,etc.,etc.,etc. so be it its your car do what you think is cool. This is like saying that your a ni**er just cause your black, or your a chi*k just cause your asian, if people now days would just stop hating on other people just cause they or what they like is different then we all would be alot better off. How abot just give them credit for not liking a stock car and wanting to just fix it up. And about the fnf, i think that it was a good movie cause it was about import cars and not all the exotic cars that are out of almost everyone of our price ranges. It showed the cars that we all like and that this website is for. Yea it did have alot of funny ass one-liners, and a shit load of wrong infomation but shit it was about imports,so shit give it some credit. The movie was not the problem it was some of the people that thought that they could go out and race on streets that got the cops after all of us. Well i feel better about getting that off my mind and if you guys don't like me for thuff cause i really could a rats ass what you think thats my opinion so live with it. B)