got arrested the opther night

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a while back I bought this 92 cavalier for $500 to drive while working on my car and the winter. My brother's POS integra crapped out a few months ago so he has had it until this saturday when he finally bought a car. Since I'm in the middle of my swap I was pretty grateful to have a car again so I called my insurance and had it added on. sunday i drive out to chicago to visit my girlfriends. I parked the car in this school zone thing that you can only park in on weekends. At like 1 am I decideI'm just going to stay there for the night so i run out to move the car to a different parking spot. I basically pulled of the curb and made a kinda u-turn and get pulled over. Being that i walked outside the apartment to move the car up the street I didn't have my wallet with me, so here I am in a pretty bad neighborhood of the city at 1am with no license or proof of insurance or ID to prove the car is mine. So at like 2 am I get taken in and they towed the stupid car. all in all I had to pay $125 to get back a car that cost me $500 and spent like 5 hours in a holding cell with a bunch of scary people. I also have to go to court on nov 21st to show proof of insurance :angry:
dude that sucks ass... Cops can be jerks.... they expect everyone to be a criminal and dont give anyone the benifit of the doubt there not some theif!
the best part was my girlfriend was in teh car and we were like 40 feet away from her apartment building and they wouldn't let her run in and get my wallet!!!!
thats bs, right now im worried about the same thing kinda, i haven't gotten new tags for my car yet (waiting on the title from the dealer) so i put my old tags on from my truck, so if i get pulled over their gonna think that i stole the shit. i do have insurance on it though, but i swear its scary sometimes especially today i was doing 50 (in a 40 leaving school) and come over a hill and there the pig is clockin people, luckily i was at like 44 or something cause he didn't do shit. and cops around here are dicks.
Originally posted by DjMcPhatty@Oct 22 2002, 09:07 PM
i haven't gotten new tags for my car yet (waiting on the title from the dealer) so i put my old tags on from my truck

even worse, it's called misuse of plates. it actually worse than just drivin the car without a plate at all. and they won't give two hoots even if you have insurance.
This is what I did when I took my boat home, no plate and no working taillights. I had a friend tow the boat and then I tailgated him driving off to the side with a friend in the passengers seat looking at his tailights so I knew when to stop. I guess rush hour traffic was not the best time to do this, but we made it 45 minutes to my house no problem.
well ive been real good about doin the speed limit, like actually goin over, but leavin school i was ready to get the hell outta here, and everybody was doin like 55 (I was the slow poke) and bam i saw him, no one else even slowed down. Still, i went 4 under the whole way home.
Originally posted by jeff@Oct 22 2002, 10:09 PM
This is what I did when I took my boat home, no plate and no working taillights. I had a friend tow the boat and then I tailgated him driving off to the side with a friend in the passengers seat looking at his tailights so I knew when to stop. I guess rush hour traffic was not the best time to do this, but we made it 45 minutes to my house no problem.

LOL you're insane