i hate flakers

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i really hate flakers with a passion.

i have my yellow Ranger for sale on CL and a sign on the truck (which is sitting in the front yard) stating its for sale. well about 6:30pm sunday as im throwing down some dinner with my gf, my room mate knocks on my door and says some guy is looking at the truck. i throw my shoes on and go outside. im greeted by this grimey ass guy with tattoos and bad body funk looking at my truck. he says he likes my truck blah blah blah and asks questions about it as im telling him the mods i have done to it. he proceeds to ask if he could take it for a test drive. i said sure and i have him pull his car to the back while i start the truck up to get some air in the tank (it has air ride) so i can lift it up (its been sitting a bit so the air leaked out...i have leaks in it. lol). he come back up to the front yard and waits for me to back the truck up. i open the drivers side door, hop out and he hops in and i get in the passenger side. i will say he was driving normal but the whole damn time, he kept hitting the switches while driving which is something i NEVER do unless i have to adjust a corner. he decides to pull into this run down, ghetto ass, white trash infested trailer park. my first thought UGGG!!! he was driving slow and still hitting my damn switches go side to side, dropping it and lowering it the whole time. meanwhile, all this white trash is looking at my truck like its craziest thing they have ever seen (and im sure it was). we finally leave that shit hole and he proceeds to drive to another one. GREAT i thought. he does the same thing and gets the same reactions. i tell him i NEVER go to these places, not even in my daily and hes taking my pride and joy through this dump. so THEN he asks me if he could smoke a cigarette and i tell him i dont allow that in my vehicles (and i dont). he said he understands and then tells me he wants to take it and show his cousin or some shit. i said ok and meanwhile my gf is blowing up my phone wondering where the hell i am. we get to his cousins house...err trailer and his cousin likes my truck and tells me its really nice and the price im asking is fair which i knew. he then said it was time to go back to my house and talk about the truck some. thank god cause my IQ was dropping by the minute. we finally get back to my house at around 7:30 and he parks the truck. we get out and start talking price and he negotiates the price and agree to it. he said he was buying it for his gf and had to go back to his place to get his gf and the money. i said cool and he proceeds to haul ass down the road. i get all my stuff out the truck, take my plates off and get the extra stuff thats going with it together. well 9pm rolls around and the guy hadnt shown back yet so me and my gf decided i should park it back in the front yard and put the for sale sign back in it. so i do that and me and my gf decide to stay outside until about 9:30pm because we were getting eaten up by the skeeters...lol. we go in and i tell my room mate that if the guy shows up, to come back tomorrow because im going to bed. well he never showed up or even called. hell, he never got my number (he drove by and saw the truck for sale) to call me to tell me he didnt want it or was gonna come by another day to buy it.

i was really pissed off because i felt like i wasted my time as well as my half eaten dinner on some flakey ass clown who just wanted to joy ride MY truck around some shitty trailer parks and brag to people he was gonna buy it. GRRRR!!! im not sure i wanna sell it to him if he decides to come back to buy it...is that wrong to say? lol. anyways, umm i hate flakers!! lol.
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My rule is:

Wanna see it? Come over.

Want to take a ride? Get in.

Want to drive ? I want to see all of the cash.

Want to hammer on it ? I'll take $1000 non-refundable deposit. If I find a problem today, tomorrow, or next week - Your deposit goes towards it.

Also, avoid Craigslist. It's nothing but fuckers.
dont be surprised if it gets broken into or stolen in the next couple of days. it just got a whole hell of a lot of attention in the wrong places.
had similar issues with my truck the past couple days..some old guy shows up,has no idea what anything is(not even the gps hanging on the windshield) asks if we could take it for a ride.beats the shit out of my truck,wastes my gas.tells me i should really fix the sway bar links before he calls me monday with an answer,and left. FUCK OFF PRICK!!!

then i got some punk ass 17 year old offering me a lawn mower that "he has $300" in...i asked if he was kidding and he proceeded to swear up a storm at me..so i found his name on facebook(cell number is linked) and scared the fuck out him.so then he offers me his mothers durango,which i told him,no.so then he keeps asking why not..first off its your moms truck,second off its either going to blow a trans or have electrical problems,because its a pos dodge..so he tells me my truck is a piece of shit anyways because its a chevy..
dont be surprised if it gets broken into or stolen in the next couple of days. it just got a whole hell of a lot of attention in the wrong places.

We don't live in ghetto-ville, and my house is 2 blocks from the police station, so that won't happen.

Also, I have a fully loaded 12 ga and two 10 round magazines of .45 waiting for an excuse for anyone who wants to fuck with anything on my property.
That sucks. I would try to get a deposit or some cash for a test drive. Also carry if you go with them.

Years ago a guy around here was killed while letting someone test drive his mustang. I guess it was some kind of gang initiation where they had to commit a crime.

Being near the police station doesn't mean anything. I went to my town's to talk to an officer about a neighbor of mine. It took about 15 minutes for an officer to arrive.
Yeah, but there were no officers there, making being next to the police station no safer than anywhere else in town.

In the city where I grew up all kind of shit happened at the mall and its parking lot around the police station.
my 240 got broken into across the street from the police station. don't think 2 blocks is enough of a deterant.

Just try to sell it quick to get it out of your yard. And next time some pos hick shows up, just say you got a deposit on it already.
Maybe this is common in the low rider truck world but I've never had an issue selling a vehicle. :shrugs:
I feel like this is all too common in the Honda, really just inexpensive modified car, community. It brings out the trash. Any time I've gone to look at a Honda, it's a crap shoot. People wanting too much for a totaled car, people telling me the car has something that I can see it doesn't, people expecting to get every dime they put into the car back out of it (literally had a kid tell me the price went up $500 on a totaled Integra because he just had the timing belt/water pump done).

Older/more expensive vehicles go so much smoother. Most of my experience here is Jeeps and the Willys I bought. I show up, the vehicle is out where I can inspect it. The guy is waiting. He knows what he has, I know what I'm willing to pay for it. We negotiate, and if it doesn't pan out, we shake hands and part ways. No yelling, no cursing, no shitty feeling like you're about to get robbed. I love my Integra, but as far as future projects, I'll probably never own another cheap tuner car just because the community is god awful.
Yeah, but there were no officers there, making being next to the police station no safer than anywhere else in town.

In the city where I grew up all kind of shit happened at the mall and its parking lot around the police station.

my 240 got broken into across the street from the police station. don't think 2 blocks is enough of a deterant.

Just try to sell it quick to get it out of your yard. And next time some pos hick shows up, just say you got a deposit on it already.

Also the fact that there are city and county construction workers out in front of the busy ass highway all day. I really doubt anyone would try this, but yeah... drugs do make you do stupid shit.

I just don't foresee anything being tampered with on my property. Especially if I'm there.
There have been crimes in some cities in CT in the past few years of people doing yard work out front and criminals walk thru their back door to steal.

Hopefully Brian can just unload his truck soon. It might be a tougher sell because of the mods he did limits the market.
We don't live in CT so I'm not worried about it. Sounds like your state is going to shit in a handbasket.
I can't believe you let someone drive it.
I also can't believe that you'd let him drive it that long.
I'm also having a hard time understanding how/why you weren't carrying.

Do you have his name and license plate number? How about the name of his cousin, and a list of the places he drove? This will come in handy when he either steals or vandalizes your truck.
Junkie looking white trash = carry some firepower!

.357 revolver 9mm semi or a mattel....errr glock has a interesting way of telling people "stop fucking around and get out of my truck"