Lost A Fellow Female Honda Tuner This Weekend

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There is a 6-7 page thread about Audrea Aunie (i think its audrea :-/) over on Honda-Tech.com It is very sad, also, someone posted pics of her driving down the highway about 30 minutes before the wreck. :(

Where your seat belts! On the contrary, being strapped in could leave you in place for the roof collapesing in or something bad like that. I personally dont wear my seat belt b/c of personal experiences.

Be safe and cherish life, its so beaitful and many people take it for granted.

R.I.P. Aunie and the others who have recently passed.
yeah, no shit... wear a seat belt. not wearing one is just about the dumbest thing you can do. it dosen't matter if you're the best driver in the world, you can't control other idiots slamming into you. one slip up can cost you your life like we've all seen many, many times. sucks for her, it's such a shame that your life could be cut short so easily. i hate death, it's soo ghey... god damnit.
Originally posted by Domeskilla@Feb 7 2003, 06:07 AM
There is a 6-7 page thread about Audrea Aunie (i think its audrea :-/) over on Honda-Tech.com It is very sad, also, someone posted pics of her driving down the highway about 30 minutes before the wreck. :(

Where your seat belts! On the contrary, being strapped in could leave you in place for the roof collapesing in or something bad like that. I personally dont wear my seat belt b/c of personal experiences.

Be safe and cherish life, its so beaitful and many people take it for granted.

R.I.P. Aunie and the others who have recently passed.

god that is so sad. just read that guy's post who knew her personally over at honda-tech. added the link to my original post. they've setup a fund for her too.
yea it is sad, she was a member of Team-integra.net too.

here is a fitting pic (and my back ground right now :( )

that pic was taken about 1/2 hour before the accident i hear

so sad
i always make it a rule in my car that if you gonna ride along, to put on your seatbelt. it just puts me at ease to know that everyone is buckeled in safely in case something may happen.

R.I.P Aunie
It's sad when ever you lose someone. Her family will be in our prayers. It just goes to show it's best to always where seat belt.
I am about to turn 19 and I have lost three friends already to car accidents and that is why I wear a safety belt always. Please guys wear the belt.

R.I.P. Aunie*
I can attest to wearing a seltbelt in a 80 mile n hour head on crash, it saved my life and m friend in the passenger seat even though he had his on he stil got knocked out by the airbag. be safe, even though it's a drag to wear it cause you never know what might happen. i've lost friends to other people's stupidity and their own, and have seen many instances of wheels coming off of a car going 70 , you never know. buckle up damnit
Originally posted by kylemarhx@Feb 7 2003, 06:07 AM
wear a seat belt. not wearing one is just about the dumbest thing you can do.

agreed. if nascar, and f1 cars use them, and they walk away from wrecks at 220 mph, then so will I
Originally posted by pissedoffsol+Feb 8 2003, 08:14 AM-->
@Feb 7 2003, 06:07 AM
wear a seat belt. not wearing one is just about the dumbest thing you can do.

agreed. if nascar, and f1 cars use them, and they walk away from wrecks at 220 mph, then so will I

Well, that's kind of 2 different things, but yeah, wear those seatbelts, I would be dead right now if I wasn't wearing one, defintely.

R.I.P. :(