funny how you say cams... the fastest FWD civic in the world was running stock type s cams
thanks for playing... try again. with the same mods, the vtec will produce more power, AND be more streetable. think about how a bad ass v8 runs with bad ass cams, not too well at idle right, lopes like a son of a bitch and whatnot, most of the time this is because of the massive amount of overlap it has, with turbo cams this is obviously eliminated, but you are running on the same set of lobes all the time, where with a vtec turbo you can piddle fuck around saving your gas, not spooling and staying on the small lobes, and when you want to get down... needless to say, it gets down. where with the LS you are running on your bad ass lobes all the time. of course it takes tuning, if you are running a turbo and you dont get it tuned correctly, it's bound to fuck up, with either setup. saying you will have to tune the vtec to make a point is well... pointless. you should tune either one if you are going to do it properly, and if you're dropping that kind of cash, i hope you want to do it properly. obviously it will take more time to tune the vtec correctly, but personally, IMHO, it's worth it. but yea, if you're on a tight budget, id drop the vtec idea.