More money....More than 10'gz

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hey peeps my last post was asking wuts a good set up for 10 g'z....but i found out im getting more along the lines of 15-20! i had a question.... im thinking about going spoon.....wut do you think?....and do you know if they prefrome really well?.....or if you dont think i should go spoon offer suggestions...with this increased amount of money....i still am going to get a b18c no matter what....jus might get a spoon tell me what you think...?
If you want to get a Spoon engine just because you want one, go for it. Don't modify it though- it's a Spoon engine, not a base for you to build on. Honestly, I think you should just build up from scratch, rather than blowing excessive cash on a name brand just because you can. Better yet- buy a new car and don't worry about it, or build up something nice/simple/fast and invest the leftover money.
Originally posted by JoOoOsHyFrOoOoO@Dec 29 2002, 03:41 PM
hey peeps my last post was asking wuts a good set up for 10 g'z....but i found out im getting more along the lines of 15-20! i had a question.... im thinking about going spoon.....wut do you think?....and do you know if they prefrome really well?.....or if you dont think i should go spoon offer suggestions...with this increased amount of money....i still am going to get a b18c no matter what....jus might get a spoon tell me what you think...?

the people at spoon, so far as I've read anyway, are more endurance racing minded so far as there choice of poison. If you really have that kind of money to spend you need to spend some serious time doing research, start with the question "what do I want, specifically. The ask youself "I wonder what a $15K lapdance would feel like?"
:werd: dont waste your money on a spoon engine just because its "spoon" check out some of the engine builders like JG Engine Dynamics or Import Builders... you will find better engines with more power for far less money than a fully built spoon engine... they will also take into consideration how you plan to use the engine (daily driver, drag car, short road course, long road course, etc...) so you will get an engine designed for how YOU will use it, not an engine designed for a race team in japan that couldnt give a rats ass how you plan to use it...

hmmmmmm a $15k lapdance
$15k lapdance would be awesome,better be a little more than a lapdance though.Oh right,spoon motors,um why?Like E Solsi said import builders or another company that builds motors.Import builders has great complete swap rebuilds that would produce hella more power for a fraction the cost.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Dec 30 2002, 01:58 AM
15 grand, you better run 10s.
if not, you got fucking ripped off

:( i wont be running 10's for 15 grand

oh wait thats right im builing for road course :D