Motor Swap

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Junior Member
Swap a S2k into a Civic H/B???? whut do you think about this???? honestly. Would it come out to be a good swap
Originally posted by Hexen@Jan 5 2003, 10:08 PM
S2k's are Rear wheel drive my brother.

The engine sits the other direction.

Much nicer than I would have been. :D
Gee, this hasn't been asked before...
You guys were a whole lot nicer than I would have been, this is a bunk question. Just by asking it you prove that you don't know what you are talking about. :D
Originally posted by lsvtec@Jan 5 2003, 04:46 PM
Just by asking it you prove that you don't know what you are talking about. :D

haha thats so true, i can see the respect for bangnazzintegra slipping right out of his hands.
I feel stupider for reading this, so I locked this topic.

I can't wait for the questions we get after the fast and the Furious II comes out.
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