Nostradamus 2012 thread

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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
So I've posted stuff about 1012 on here before and nobody cares but, the lost book of Nostradamus has been found and it's supposed to reinforce the Mayan's prophecy...

there's a special on it today

Nostradamus: 2012

watch n discuss
dude really?

i def. dont believe since it was onthe cove of globe (black/white fake newspaper) definitly dont belive anythin they say.

some of his so called profecies are so exagerrated. Its all in how we translate them.
its on the history channel tonight at 9pm.

i'll be watching it.

It's just too uncanny that 2 civilizations 10,000 miles away from each other came up with the same doomsday. There is NO WAY they knew of each other.

Which leads itself to one true answer--- the aliens told them :)
seems like i remember something about a comet that was suppose be be coming very close to the earth around that time
I wish I had cable. Although, I never really heard of the Mayans actually calling it doomsday or the end of the world, etc.

Also, I've heard many conflicting information about Nostradamus' predictions. Wasn't his 1999 or something like that?
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well i just watched it and as i thought my opinion still is the same, everything they are predicting is stuff that is inevadable.
i just can't get down with Nostradamus... many, if not all, of his predictions are very generalized and can be applied to too many situations for me to believe that he was a prophet. i watched a different documentary on the history channel a month or so ago, and it did nothing but annoy me.
I wish I had cable. Although, I never really heard of the Mayans actually calling it doomsday or the end of the world, etc.

Also, I've heard many conflicting information about Nostradamus' predictions. Wasn't his 1999 or something like that?

the mayans didnt predict it to be doomsday, but their calendar stops on dec 21 2012.

i missed the show :/
fucking eastern time..

i think, it will be obamas fault.
he will do something catastrophic at the end of his term.
its 9pm estearn, mountain and pacific dude.... central, is eastern minus 1 like usual... just like every other show ever played on tv

and i'm sure the 9-12am is the 1-3am airing also, like usual during the week...

either way, i wasn't too impressed. it was 90% just like their other 'decoding the past' series with Nostradamus in it.
my parents have directv.
so anything thats not local, is eastern.
i just caught the end of it when they were talking about the dude predicting the stock market crash and world war II and shit.
I'll see if I can find the website... Some guy put a site together of all the end of the world predictions. Basically there have been at least one every day for almost a hundred years. That is basically what makes me think its another media fueled hoax. Like this latest recession is the worst thing ever to hit Wall st. until you see there has been a recession at least once a decade for a hundred years also.
Haha well I can tell you all this much! If there was a Planet Sized commet coming at Earth right fucking now! Then that mite explain why are economey is sucking, because all the Goverments are mass producing Nukes like Holy fuck man were gunna die, we got to build more missles to lanch at it.. actully im really kidding, if there is a hudge Dooms Day coming i'll look at it like this, im gunnna die in bed with my gf, end of story.... eather that or I have a Beer and a lawn chair and welcome it with open arms... :)
Bah you people need to stop talking about 2012, more you talk about it, the more the weak minded are gunna start beleving and freaking then we will have world wide panic, and i'll laph my ass off, just as I did during the Y2K shit haha! But if earth exploded in 2012, guess what... the big bang theroy really happens haha! Awesome!
Bah you people need to stop talking about 2012, more you talk about it, the more the weak minded are gunna start beleving and freaking then we will have world wide panic, and i'll laph my ass off, just as I did during the Y2K shit haha! But if earth exploded in 2012, guess what... the big bang theroy really happens haha! Awesome!

good, maybe all the weak minded mother fuckers will kill themselves and well have a world full of intelligent people!

pshh.. yeahh, it could happen.:rolleyes:

edit: maybe not intelligent, but strong minded.. lol
good, maybe all the weak minded mother fuckers will kill themselves and well have a world full of intelligent people!

pshh.. yeahh, it could happen.:rolleyes:

edit: maybe not intelligent, but strong minded.. lol

Awesome, But but then who would we corupt to do all the dumb ass shit???? No more peer presure, not more alot of things with out weak minded people. No more, I can't quit smoking! I just can't, it would be simple. I don't want to or I Do people... man this world be diffrent... OK talk about it, I like no weak minded people, then just maybe we can all decided to have an AutoBond built across the US :) Coast to Coast