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Thanks Matt. It is a very solid car for someone. I also have a JDM B18 and an LS tranny along with lots of other parts that go with the deal.That's too bad. This was one of my favorite threads on here
It is done.....hatch is gone to a good home. I'll miss it. I'm glad I wrote this blog as there is a ton of good information, part numbers, etc...here for others to use. I'll check in on occasion. Thanks for all of your inputs!
Still waiting for someone to help me with my issueI have no answers for questions unfortunately, however I GREATLY appreciate you posting all of your progress. I am getting ready to do the exact same swap...99 b18b1 into a 96 hatch with a d16y7. I had no idea what was involved in the swap as I bought the b18 out of a junkyard car on a whim because I knew it would fit.
Hope all is well. I haven't been on this site for some time. I'm currently working for an aerospace company on the Artemis program. Was a rough ride but back on my feet for a few years now. I have great memories of my old hatch. Good to see the info helping people.Thanks for sharing your ride! I hope the job situation has sorted itself out