Pic Request

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Does anyone have any pictures of those 2 types of rims on a 92 Civic Sedan? I'm debating on which ones to get. My car is black and I think I'm going to go with a Bronze or Black. Any suggestions?
White rims are kinda played out around this part of LA...thats why i'm leaning toward the others. But thanks for the feedback.
EVERYTHING is or will be "played out".... just get whatever you like... as long as its light who gives a fuck
Originally posted by 4doors4life@Jan 28 2003, 08:12 PM
Does anyone have any pictures of those 2 types of rims on a 92 Civic Sedan? I'm debating on which ones to get. My car is black and I think I'm going to go with a Bronze or Black. Any suggestions?

I don't have a pic, but I can tell you that bronze circuit 8 wheels look SUPER on a black car!!!!!!

just an FYI, but I wanted to let you know that I do sell these wheels, and I do have both in stock. Let me know

If you post a pic of your car (side view) probally someone here could photoshop them on.
i have gunmetal circuit 8's on my black car, they look sweet :) hopefully i can take a pic soon.. none right now :(
ok here are two pics of a 92 Sedan. Could you use one for Slipstreams in Bronze and the other for the Circuit 8's? Go ahead and delete the titles above the car...i was using that to help a friend.
dude, don't get the RS6s, I used to have some on my 98 EX sedan in 17"....they weigh way too much! (~20.3 lbs)...I prefer my new 15" Black Slipstreams
yeah that was an old pic that I had of the car that I took from Tires.com. I was debating about those 2 @ first but now I'm set on the Rotas. Just need someone to photshop them onto the cars. Thanks for your imput!
here is my black EK with gunmetal c8's
sorry she's so ugly, in the process of fixing her :(
lol, forgot the pics



new brake pic :)
oooooooh wilwood, very nice kit man
very pimp! I might get Baer break kit for my Civic. My sister has a friend who's a official Baer distributor or sumthin like that.
Originally posted by ALLJDM+Jan 29 2003, 10:36 PM-->
@Jan 28 2003, 08:12 PM
Does anyone have any pictures of those 2 types of rims on a 92 Civic Sedan? I'm debating on which ones to get.  My car is black and I think I'm going to go with a Bronze or Black.  Any suggestions?

I don't have a pic, but I can tell you that bronze circuit 8 wheels look SUPER on a black car!!!!!!

just an FYI, but I wanted to let you know that I do sell these wheels, and I do have both in stock. Let me know

Does rota make the attacks in 16 inch gunmetal? How much would they cost me? I've looked at all kinds of sites and i've only seen 15 and 17 inches which makes no sense to me at all. If I can get my car by the end of this month, those would definitely go on quickly. Thanx.
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Jan 29 2003, 04:46 PM
EVERYTHING is or will be "played out".... just get whatever you like... as long as its light who gives a fuck

Rims are played out,hovercraft wonz jOO!!!!